Free2Think --
They are pretty much trying to cover ground where neither has been before. That's pretty much everywhere but Spain for my daughter, but her cousin has already been to England. Actually, she's also been to Paris, Geneva, and Annecy (France) -- the latter of which she found so beautiful they are going back so my daughter can see where her cousin would like to be married some day! So, Belgium, Germany, other parts of Switzerland, maybe a quick drive through Italy, and back across the South of France to see Perpignan and Barcelona (the girls have Catalunyan roots) to where they began is the order of the day.
Maybe I'LL bring them to England when I come -- which I want to do within the next couple of years.
by outnfree 24 Replies latest jw friends
ok ...
Annecy (France) -- the latter of which she found so beautiful
Now that's a place in France I've never went but I guess I can tell all those who did agree on this statement -
Hey OutnFree,
What an exciting trip for the gals!
I'm leaving for Granada in a couple of weeks and staying for 4 months. Am enrolled in one of the Spanish language schools there. I'll have 3-day weekends, 10 days off mid-term and the month of December on my own to travel around Europe. So far, my side trips will be to Morocco, Ibiza, Santorini, Nice, Monaco, Paris, Barcelona, Madrid, Lisbon, Italy (not sure which cities), Istanbul. I'm still undecided on where to spend New Year's, although have an invitation to join co-workers in Paris.
I'd love to get some restaurant recommendations from Katie and a gym recommendation, if she joined one while there. If the gals have time and wouldn't mind recommending other cities to visit, I would appreciate any suggestions. I've been to several of the above cities previously and visited Spain earlier this year, but always welcome recommendations.
Thank you in advance.
Maybe I'LL bring them to England when I come -- which I want to do within the next couple of years.
Cool, it'll be great to meet you all.
Thanks, Free2Think! I'll look forward to meeting you then, too!
FreeChick -- Katie went to Castillo. Is that where you will be going? I'll e-mail her re: recommendations. She didn't go to a gym -- she and a teacher had a joke that walking up and down the hills in the city were great for a "culo duro." ;)
out -
Shameless BTTT for European Sunday afternoon readers whom I am hopeful will take note.
FreeChick -- Katie went to Castillo. Is that where you will be going? I'll e-mail her re: recommendations. She didn't go to a gym -- she and a teacher had a joke that walking up and down the hills in the city were great for a "culo duro." ;)
Out, Yea I felt a little silly asking the gym question because of all the walking. But, I don't want the heaviest thing I lift be a fork or wine glass and there's a good chance of that happening in that country. Thank you for being willing to help with a couple of restaurant recommendations. A couple will help out for the first several days until I meet up with the locals. I have one favorite restaurant there, but they all open and close randomly so it'll be nice to have some choices. I'll PM my email addy to you as I won't be back here again before leaving.
OK, FreeChick,
Well I passed on your request to Katie and send you an e-mail, but that was BEFORE I came back to read your response. Oops!
So we'll expedite the info.
Buen viaje,
out -
BTW Out&Free How many languages do you speak ?
English of course, French for sure, Spanish ? ...What else ??? -
RAF - I was married for almost 26 years to a Spaniard from Mallorca. So I speak that Catalunyan dialect well when it comes to mundane matters of running a household, cooking, asking about the weather, a person's health, etc. Nothing terribly broadening.
I speak some Castillian Spanish, having taken classes in college, but I am MUCH better at reading it and understanding the spoken word. I want to improve upon my oral and writing skills, so, like Katie, I plan to go away to immerse myself either in Spain or Mexico someday. (Mexico is less expensive, but Spain is so much closer to all the REST of Europe!!:D !!)
After taking French in both junior and senior high school, I immersed myself in French for six months in Lausanne, Switzerland when I was 19 years old and then worked 10 years for Renault USA. When I decided to finally go to college after my kids were older, I decided life is too short to do something I don't absolutely love (the death of my mother and my bout with breast cancer influenced this philosophy) -- so I went for a degree in French.
I am studying to become a French teacher -- I have loved French and spoken it for almost 40 years now -- off and on, as necessary. I almost double majored in Spanish, but decided that if I had Spanish on my resume I most likely would NOT get a position teaching FRENCH (my first love), but rather would be offered Spanish teaching jobs. So my major is French and my minor is history and I shall perfect my Spanish on my own time and unbeknownst to my future employers.
I love languages and took two years of German in High School, but I can only remember very rudimentary phrases. "Wo is der Rathaus?" "Es tut mir leid." "Apfelkuchen" ;0
And I know how to say "Christmas" and "I love you" in Danish. I'm a Christmas baby and my Grandfather was Danish.
How about you?