from what I understand, this same ID Card Technology has already been approved in Mexico, Canada and MAY HAVE been approved in some EUropean COuntries as well.
JWS and Ex JWS....Is the Mark of the Beast taught in the Hall?
by A-Team 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
A-team...I was raised as a pentecostal christian until I gave up on religion and then later became a witness. Funny progression there, eh? Anyway, we used to believe in that mark of the beast thing as very literal when I was growing up. Bar code, social security number, some sort of state-issued id...and now this Real ID thing you mention. I admit I still keep one eye open to stuff like that even though I don't buy into the Revelation thing any longer. But, you know...what if it is all true?
If its true, you better pray that the Rapture is real.
Funny I always thought that about Social Security Cards but now I know it's all rubbish. Part of the mind control.
from what I understand, this same ID Card Technology has already been approved in Mexico, Canada and MAY HAVE been approved in some EUropean COuntries as well.
The European Union is pushing to have all passports within the Union standardised. That they should carry biometric information about the person.
If one believes in 'god' and the Bible is not some fairy tale book of lies, then 'the mark of the beast' is something to be concerned about.
read good books
Doesn't the person who gets the mark of the beast get the number 666. Those numbers I read some where appear at the beginning middle and end of the bar code inside all of the identification cards. Thats what I read somewhere. I sort of had lost my faith but what about this, is it a scary coincidence or are we living in the time of the end, of course if we are the Witnesses aren't the ones to ask.
When some of u refer that JW don't know about the mark of the beast(A-Team I mean) then u r either lying or they werem't really JWs. Sounds like a lot of disgruntled exJWs on this site!!!!
The jws believe that this mark is symbolic. That`s how they view all kinds of "marks" spoken of in the Bible. By being a jw, you will sort of have a "mark" too, on your forehead, which will spare you when Armageddon comes (like that mark on the lamp post in the OT-thing). It`s all symbolic in jw-belief, so they don`t worry about these ID-cards or stuff like that.
Sarah Smiles
A-Team: I'm going to look this up in the old books but here is my thoughts;
(Daniel 3:1-23) The number six falls short of seven, which stands for completeness from God’s standpoint.
There is no proof that Seven stands for completeness! Where does the bible state that seven means completeness! YOU will not find it! It is a form of Cabala WTBTS who borrowed this concept from other religions with no biblical proof! God rested on the seventh day and completed his work does not mean that the seventh day means completeness! It is a wild jump, and applying meanings to numbers which would not have a meaning to them. Prove this one from Revelations?
The 144,000 anointed ones are said to have the Father’s name and that of Jesus written on their foreheads. This identifies them as belonging to Jehovah God and Jesus Christ. (Revelation 14:1)
WTBTS also state this means when people go out in service, they are
marking ones who willing receive the WTBTS literature to righteous and the rest are going off to judgment? Bull! So if you think about what this means then at the 1 resurrection there is no judgement! I gotta laugh!As far as I am concern only Jehovah and Jesus are allow to mark people. People going out in service do not have this right so they can just shake the dust off their legs and keep on walking.
while big politics, big religion, and big business keep that wild beast functioning as an oppressor of mankind and a persecutor of God’s people.
In Rutherford's writings, later WTBTS books Babylon The Great, his use of big business was actually Big Business which was at the time hatred against the Jewish people ? Later the WTBTS changed it and grouped it in with the above sentence so appears different! Big Business was the modern day slang used against the Jewish people! Apparently if you do not except what Rutherford had to say than he went against people. So was he for the Jewish people or against them?
Anybody engaged in everyday activities such as buying and selling is pressured to do things the way the wild beast does, as, for example, in celebrating holidays. They are expected to worship the wild beast, letting it rule their lives, so as to receive its mark.
NOT A VERY GOOD EXAMPLE; So if you buy ornaments and a Christmas tree and celebrate holidays then you are pressured into celebrating the way UNITED KINGDOM does? How is celebrating Christ day ruling peoples lives? or 4th of
July? or birthdays? Here in the USA we have freedom to do what we want! Just more bull!Since the second world war, countless young men have suffered lengthy imprisonments, some even being tortured and killed, because of their refusal to compromise their Christian neutrality.
But the scripture is REV 14:1 when Michael cast out Satan in 1914 World War 1. LOL
LOL, but what ever happened to Satan mad when thrown out of heavens in 1914? World WAR 1? MAYBE Satan was thrown out during 1939 or in the 40's? How many other people were thrown in jail for Christian neutrality besides the J.W. many!
OK! I am going to look in my Insight book as well as Rutherfords books! I hope some J.W. will wake up!