Do You Still Call It "The Truth"? "The Brothers" etc.

by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaguarbass

    Calling it the truth is a mind control cult manuver, to make the flock think that the Witnoids have something of value. It's a con. There selling the sizzle not the steak.

  • ferret

    NEVER !

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Nope. I quit the club and don't find these words helpful to express anything I need to say.

  • erandir

    Yeah...mostly out of habit, though. I'm learning to break that habit, though...slowly.

  • return visitor
    return visitor

    yes but i always do that quote thing with my fingers when i say the "turth"

  • mrsjones5


  • Anony-Mouse

    Growing up, I was never in a situation where'd I'd call it 'the truth', so I never got used to saying it.

    So I certainly don't now.

    I still call anyone who attends a 'brother' or 'sister' tho, as I'm not quite sure what else to call them.....and not blow my cover :P . "Idiot" or "Stupid" would be good ones to use instead of brother, but then someone might find me out ;) .

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    I still do, but that's because I still have a lot of friends in the bOrg

  • Hortensia

    hardly ever - once in a while something slips out. However, I have always had a problem saying "jehovah" even when I was a JW. Strange, huh?

  • Finally-Free
    Do You Still Call It "The Truth"? "The Brothers" etc.

    Nope. There is no truth and I have no brothers.


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