If the universe is growing??.....

by ex-perfectdaughter 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • funkyderek


    I'll probably lose any chance at credibility her by posting this,

    Absolutely. Realising this is probably a good start, but it's important for you to understand why if you ever hope to be taken seriously by normal people.

    but then again the exposure of Babylon the Great will shock everyone.

    This isn't a good start. You're on a thread about science and you're talking about demented mythology. (For your information though, Babylon the Great was just Rome, it's not really a difficult code to crack).

    The Big Bang is a lie straight out of Kabbala Antichrist Talmudism,

    Hehe, more silly nonsense. The Big Bang is a modern scientific theory well supported by the evidence. (No point in going into detail, it would be over your head.) It has nothing to do with your silly little magic books.

    to support Darwinism

    Completely unrelated theory. Neither one depends in any way on the other for support. You'd know that if you had even the vaguest idea about either one of them.

    and now the new craze, extra-terrestrial evolution, life transported from one galaxy to another aboard comets.

    New craze? Not really. It's quite an old hypothesis actually.

    Nevermind that these "organisms" would have to survive absolute zero temps for millions of years, but when it impacts some other "by chance" hospitable planet, after a few hundred million more years it becomes Beethoven.

    I've never met or heard of anybody who thinks anything of the sort. The most plausible forms of the panspermia hypothesis suggest that some of the organic molecules necessary for life may have come from comets, as we know that at least some comets contain such molecules in abundance. The Beethoven comment should make you burn with shame. There is no excuse for a human being with access to the Internet to display such ignorance.

    Check out this website thoroughly and you might find it answers a lot of questions. If not, then just consider me a nut! http://www.fixedearth.com/index.html

    Well, you're either a nut or you're taking the piss. I do hope it's the latter. I mean, not understanding the basics of astrophysics or evolution is just about forgivable, especially if you're from somewhere like Turkey or the USA, but rejecting the Copernican model, that puts you right out on the wackiest edge of an exceedingly wacky collective.

  • hillary_step
    Well, you're either a nut or you're taking the piss. I do hope it's the latter. I mean, not understanding the basics of astrophysics or evolution is just about forgivable, especially if you're from somewhere like Turkey or the USA, but rejecting the Copernican model, that puts you right out on the wackiest edge of an exceedingly wacky collective.

    lol.....This lad gets better every week.


  • B_Deserter

    Here's a scary thought: In a few billion years, from earth it will appear that the Milky Way Galaxy is the only one in the universe. Other Galaxies will be too far away for their light to reach us, the cosmic background radiation will have dissipated, and the universe will appear as the medieval church taught.


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