I ‘m glad I found this board, and I hope I'm welcome here. I'm a study, maybe a perpetual one. I'm through the Knowledge book and into Teach, I'll save my soul and spirit questions for another post. I'm fifty-six, single, no kids and hope I'm looking into the jw with open eyes and no qualms. My decision will not affect anyone but me The things that originally drew me, political neutrality, no tithing lectures, racial indifference (for lack of a better term) and bible study, are still strong for me. I am also in search of a solid community, potential friendships in my new home area. As I attend book study (did Daniel, moved, then got back into things for Rev) and visit the hall more frequently, I begin to wonder about the concept of community. And as I am more discerning in the book study, I am seeing more doctrine and less truth. So, if this truth isn't for me (and it may not be), then where do I go for the things I value? Or, besides with Blondie's amazing studies, how do I find truth in the Truth? Bea
Hello there from questioning newbie
by Uncertain 25 Replies latest jw experiences
I would first find out exactly what you want, as it seems you have, then live it without any organized religion guiding you.
Then you can look around and try them all, if you need to, till you find one. OR, you can stay out of any organization and join a circle of like minded people and enjoy life unfettered.
Welcome to the board and a great first post. My only advice is "Stick around here on this board. There is much to learn.
Welcome to JWD -
Who says you need organized religion to accomplish the things you want in life? Hang around for awhile, ask questions and i'm sure there will be more JWD'ers here with more advise and comments for you to think about!
I am also in search of a solid community, potential friendships in my new home area.
Hi, Bea, and welcome!
We here at JWD are a community, but I think I understand that you are looking for something more...tangible?
There are lots of other ways to be part of a community than signing over your life to a very conditional acceptance and appreciation of YOU.
Newcomers, book clubs, health clubs, other churches, hobby or sports groups, etc. What do you enjoy? Personally, I am a reader, a biker (bicycles), hiker and have always found friendships at work, so that works for me.
My point is that there are about 2 million ways to connect with other people that do not carry the negative consequences of becoming involved with Jehovah's Witnesses. And keep posting!
Welcome! Glad you found us. Keep serching, keep asking, keep reading. You'll figure it all out soon enough.
Welcome to the forum, uncertain.
It's hard to find truth in the Truth because the truth about the Truth makes it untrue. At least for me that's what happened.
Double Edge
WELCOME ! I've never been a JW () , so I've always had total freedom in searching for real "truth". Hang with the board.... it will open your eyes. For me, there is a loving Creator and life DOES have a purpose..... it's a journey of discovery - a VERY interesting "ride".
take care...
Hello, uncertain. We're glad you stopped in. Regarding the community feeling you're after, be cautious in your idea that JWs have a strong and happy community. Unfortunately, it's not so happy. On the surface, especially to new ones, they appear so happy and loving and accepting (you'll come across the term "love-bombing" on this forum). It's like a beautifully wrapped gift with shiny, perfectly folded wrapping paper and a beutiful bow, but when you unwrap it, you find an empty box (at best).
The extent of subtle manipulation and control by the organization is often not apparent until you're already caught in the trap. Please be careful.
Welcome, uncertain
The things that originally drew me, political neutrality, no tithing lectures, racial indifference (for lack of a better term) and bible study, are still strong for me.
These are the things that originally drew me, also.
If only they hadn't thrown in a few other things.
Like whatever the Faithful and Discreet Slave says (and of course that's the Governing Body of JWs) is straight from God. Only they don't claim to be prophets. Only they are the only channel of truth. And if you don't believe every word from the publications, you will, of course, die at Armageddon. Says them.
Also, please now ask the questions about the origins of the WTS and the first President. Ask now about the WTS involvement in the United Nations-you know-the organization that they publish serves Satan and how we should have no part in it.
In other words, don't jump into the baptismal pool until you are satisfied that you know all you need to, and have all answers to your questions. And, by the way, you'll find out alot here on this forum.