Guess What - I am going to come clean!!!!!

by TRUTH 15 Replies latest jw friends


    Truth,welcome aboard,there are alot of nice people here,and a few nut case`s. You should find it interesting.

  • Double Dee
    Double Dee


    Sometimes I get to feeling sorry for myself for what I have been through, and then I come here to this site and see that some have had it so much worse and some have had it better. I can tell you that I find this site so comforting......please keep coming back.

    Thank you for sharing your pain, and your anger.......I really relate to the anger and the whole WT generations/Bethel connection. You are in the right place.......

    Hugs to you,

  • Cassiline

    You should contact Bill Bowen via I know where you are coming from for I to was a "silent lamb" far too long.
    I found Bill's website about 4 months ago and posted my story. There I found dozens of people going through the same pain and confusion I was experiencing.

    About 2 weeks ago Bill Bowen (who was an elder) was on the radio explaining why he started his site and related my story on the air. This gave me a sense of validation because for years everything that happened to me had been swept under the rug so to speak.

    When Bill read my story on the air I cried tears of pain for the memories and tears of Joy to know that someone had embraced me and FINALLY believed me.

    I have been in therapy for years now. One of the Best books I found to help is The Courage To Heal by, Ellen Bass and Laura Davis, there is a workbook by the same name written by Laura Davis.
    Another book I found helpful is The Wounded Heart by, Dr. Dan B. Allender.

    If you are in a relationship and are looking for help in explaining your feelings to your partner the book, Allies in Healing by, Laura Davis is excellent.
    The last book I recommend is, Gifts From A Course In Miracles.
    I hope you can find some inner peace.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • Amazing

    Hi Truth: Thanks for the 'truth' and telling us your account. You mentioend that you do not believe that these abuse situations are "not" isolated cases. You are more correct than you can imagine.

    If you used the JWD search line, and click back "1 year", and type in 'Justice" you will get my entire Justcie Series. Several of them dealt with child moleatation cover-up by the Elders. Also, as already recommended to you, Silent Lambs site will be helpful.

    There are a number of civil and criminal lawsuits around the USa because of this. The most recent was filed in New Hampshire. The Watch Tower Society is named as a Defendant. This is such a major issue, the NBC Dateline will be airing a show on it. It would have aired by now, but the 9-11 World Trade Center attacks pre-empted this for now, but stay tuned.


  • Bridgette

    Dear Truth,
    Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. There have been so many worthy suggestions, that I can add none. But welcome here. You are safe, welcome, and you count. The injustices you suffered matter to us! Please post more.


    To Everyone, thank you for your kind responses. It was only a tiny bit of the whole story, and I just needed to get it off my chest in a forum that people would hear and understand me. Sometimes it is even hard for me to believe everything. Seems to fantastic, and I just want it to all be over and done with. If I could erase the past with all of this I would. I am still healing, and getting better every day. It has taken a long time. I have and am moving on. The final nail that brought all of this up was the UN thing. Most people who have not been a JW or had experiences with them do not understand the depth of what I am talking about. But you kind hearted people have. Thank you, from my heart thank you.

    Speaking my voice to those would would hear and comprehend is a big deal. Again thank you.

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