"Clean Sweep", "Mission Organization"...

by changeling 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • changeling

    Do any of you watch these shows? Do any of you wonder if the participants ever learn anything? Do they go back to thier old habits after the camera crew leaves?

    Some people realize they have annoying habits but never figure out how to break them. Others just like to be annoying.

    Any thoughts?


  • blondie

    Some of these shows do go back and see how they are doing. Some are successful, others not.

  • mrsjones5

    My fav is "How Clean is You House?"

    These ladies crack me up, but it's amazing how filthy people can be.

  • Mum

    Yes, I watch because they offer what I need to learn. I've learned to get by with less, have gotten rid of a lot, and am still working on it.

    It's true that most of us are creatures of habit, and changing those habits is hard. Some are better at it than others. I can attest that it's worth the effort.



  • changeling

    I think some of them are just pathological. Like they need therapy not just a make over.

    Another one I like is "What Not To Wear". I think most of them do learn a thing or two. They act like they "saw the light". I wish someone would send me on that show. I would love a new wardrobe!


  • changeling

    OK , so...so far no one has realized I was not really talking about these shows but tryng (unsuccesfully and in a cowardly manner) to make a parallel with someone else... somebdy who persists in his annoying habits....but if I have to spell it out it's obvously not working...so I think I'll kill my thread.


  • nvrgnbk
    I would love a new wardrobe!

    For both men and women, Levis and t-shirts are winners.

    Substitute shorts for the jeans when appropriate.

    Wear sandals or flip-flops.

    You can send me a check later, changeling.

  • mrsjones5
    I wish someone would send me on that show. I would love a new wardrobe!

    Me too

  • changeling

    nvr: I think you NEED to go on "What Not To Where" if you want to continue walking around NYC. I will take "atheist" advise from you but keep the fashion advice to yourself.

    Did you not get the gist of my thread either?????


  • nvrgnbk

    Frankly, the "gist" of the thread escaped me.

    I'm left wandering what you mean to say.

    It was a late night. I'll get back to you after some more coffee.

    Read Cosmopolitan. Guys love women in jeans and t-shirts. Just ask Mr. changeling. LOL!

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