Mr. Flipper here. It is true like you guys and gals say that most fighting is done in private at home because of saving face in front of others. Thats why I asked the question. Seeker 4 you crack me up! It has always amazed me when I was a witness how some could be so mean to their husband or wife at home when no one is watching, then come and put on a fake or upbeat painted smile for the congregation. My ex wife of 19 years divorced she's still a witness was a magician at being fake sweet to everybody, then a tyrant at home. Personally, I'm not wired that way, what you see is what you get. If I was gonna be the same at home as I was at the kingdom hall, then at least I didn't confuse my family as to what person they would get next!.Any thoughts? Interesting stuff, huh? Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Did You See Married Couples Arguing Loud in Public,Kingdom Hall, Anywhere ?
by flipper 17 Replies latest jw friends
Of course not! Jehovah's Witnesses are the happiest people on Earth! Witness families are all exemplary and above average in every way.
What sort of a question is that? Arguing! No Witness couple has ever found a need to argue while in their spiritual paradise and basking in the glow of the holy spirit.
Most of the heated arguments between spouses happen at home, not at the Kingdumb Hell. There, you are supposed to look and act happy no matter what, so you can perpetuate the illusion that this is the perfect place to be.
My ex JW hubby treated me like a queen in front of others. Showered me with presents (always in public view), very attentive and kind. But once we were alone, and there was no audiance, he treated me like crap or just acted like I didn't exist.
In hindsight I realize it was very important to him to be perceived as the perfect, long-suffering husband. Who was unfortunately burdoned with an erratic, unstable wife. He worked very hard to create this image.
Seeker 4 and Nvr- love you guys and your satirical humor. Brings a lot of fun to the board! I remember hearing a lot of weird sounds and screaming also coming from kingdom hall restrooms at times when going. People yelling at their kids or their physical discomforts. Nevertheless it disturbed me so I couldn't be spiritually fed properly at meetings. What we had to go through! Jeez! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
My parents.
Just about every single meeting they both went to for my entire life. I was raised in the truth but my family was abusive, mean and joyless.
Yay - the truth's transforming power in action!
Hello all again. I knew an elder and his wife who hurled abuses at each other in their home but were the epitome of upbeat happiness at the kingdom hall. It's amazing how many people are into the appearance thing. Anyway, a 20 year old brother was engaged to and dating their daughter and witnessed the abuse taking place . He reported it to the elders and the brother was removed as an elder. His wife was a pontificating ,selfish, mean person and tried to influence the congreagtion to support her husband in spite of his removal as elder.It split the congregation down the middle, for and against, a local needs talk was given about it, and in time the brother and his wife moved to a congregation on the coast 100 miles away, taking their show on the road. But my million dollar question is, What is the reason people can't just be the same way at the meetings in front of others as they are at home? Is it that hard for some people who live plastic, appearance only lives? What do you all think about that? Peace out, Mr. Flipper
It wasn't so much as them loudly arguing, but you could tell which couples had problems in their marriages by the ones who bickered during the meeting and how they looked at each other.
Collegegirl- Isn't it true that when it comes to a relationship, a look between couples is worth a thousand words it tells you everything you need to know