I am being shunned

by Amyfa 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quandry

    I had been very ill and had a bone marrow transplant and he was there all through my treatment.

    Then it makes it especially hard. I am sorry to hear that.

    It also makes it sad because I don't see the situation changing on his part. I hope you keep your good attitude and don't let his actions get you down. You need calm and positive thoughts to stay well.

  • Fatfreek


    Do I sense that there is some romantic involvement here? You said, "I will always love him no matter what" . That, of course, could also mean a platonic arrangement.

    If it has been romantic, however, he is not shunning you the same as if you were a Disfellowshipped or Disassociated Jehovah's Witness member. Chances are fair that he's confessed to his judicial comittee about his romantic relationship with you and they advised him to immediately cease seeing you in order to prove his sincerity in repenting of his "bad ways".

    Either way, I wish you the very best.

    Len Miller

  • BFD


    Welcome to the world of "bad association".


  • Highlander


    Welcome to JWD. I assure you that we will not shun you here.

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    Welcome. Sorry you're going through this as well. Very well said. Thanks for your direct and intelligent post.

  • steve2

    Credit your friend with the ability to work things out for him/herself...eventually. You may have unintentionally come across as too intense in your effort to get your friend to think for him/herself and so have set yourself up for being shunned.

  • Amyfa

    No it’s not Romantic it's platonic, he has been my best friend for the past 8 years now.

    I don't understand how anyone can just be told do this, and think that without being able to find out about it. I know now I was lucky to be born into the family I was. Without the blood and platelets I needed I would not be alive now.

    How do 2 people read the Bible and come to two very different conclusions he quoted the part they used about shunning so he said that makes it ok. I told him that we should do the part Jesus said and that’s to love one another as he loves us. Also Luke 6:37 should be followed 6:37 “Do not judge, and you will not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven.

    I just think it's not up to us to say who is a sinner and who is not and it is then not up to man to forgive someone's sins that's between you and your God.

  • Mum

    Amy: It's so sad to see what this religion does to hurt good people. If I recall, the reasons for avoiding association with people as stated in the Bible are behavioral, e.g., being an adulterer, a liar, or other behaviors that are hurtful to others. Maybe your friend will see reason with time. He must miss you, too. Why should both of you have to hurt so much when there is no good reason? It is ridiculous!



  • steve2
    How do 2 people read the Bible and come to two very different conclusions he quoted the part they used about shunning so he said that makes it ok.

    Fact: The Bible is so susceptible to interpretation that any two people can read it and come to contradictory conclusions. The sooner you can simply acept this uncomfortable fact, the sooner you'll be able to move on in your life.

    In my opinion, if this person really is your friend, the most loving thing you can do is respect his/her decision. Given the high number of people who leave the JWs, there is a good likelihood that your friend may soon see that the religion is a sham, but I doubt you will play any role in that.

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