Creepy Elder adventures

by ithinkisee 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ithinkisee

    So my mom became a JW, and there is this family down the road that has been helping/brainwashing my mom. When my dad forbade her to go to meetings she would lock herself in the bathroom and sneak out the window and the JW family down the street would take her to meetings.

    The dad/elder in this JW family had been added and removed as an elder a couple of times and no one knew why.

    As I was growing up - especially in my early teens - I would notice his truck driving by our house several times per day. Some days I would come home from school and his truck would be in our driveway. He would just wave and say he was looking for something, or that he was seeing if my dad was home because he needed to ask a question.

    I never thought much about it.

    One day, my dad had his truck in the shop for repairs and he was home alone. But since his truck was gone it looked like nobody was home. My dad was taking a nap in the middle of the afternoon in his bedroom when he heard somebody open the front door. All us kids were supposed to have been at school, and my mom was supposed to have been at work.

    But the door opened and someone walked in like they owned the place. This person without hesitating bounded across the house straight for my parent's room - where my dad had been sleeping. And it wasn't light footsteps from us kids or from our mom. So, all of a sudden my dad got into defensive mode (he's a police officer) and he jumped up to confront whoever was at the door.

    As my dad got to the door way of his room - who was it heading full steam for my parents bedroom? None other than the "elder" from up the road.

    My dad asked what he was doing? The elder stammered and said, "Oh uh ... I was looking for a circular saw your son borrowed from me."

    "In my bedroom?" my dad asked. "Why would a circular saw be in my bedroom? Or anywhere inside the house for that matter?"

    He had no answer. My dad said, "I think you had better leave."

    He said, "Well, yeah, ok. I'll give your son a call later on today." He scurried away.

    For awhile it turned into a full blown investigation by elders, and he stuck by his story that he was looking for tools.

    Over the years certain things had ended up missing from my parent's room - including undergarments and jewelry.

    My dad never became a JW, but at one point even my mom began being creeped out by this guy. She told me once that he gave her hugs that felt - well - inappropriate. The kind of creepy lingering hugs that make you feel like you need to take a shower afterwards.

    In my late teens, before I went to Brooklyn Bethel, he was again removed from his elder position and I don't think he ever became one again. As usual it was kept hush hush and no one ever knew why. But he is in congregations today without restriction.

    My mom - in typical JW fashion - has forgiven this JW elder that helped her sneak out of the house - only so he could later sneak in. But this was due to nothing more than pride on her part - she could not bring herself to admit that this religion she was a part of was so creepy - especially since she had spent so much time demonizing my father for not being a JW.

    It became something with my mom that was just never talked about. She continues to associate with him and his wife to this day and hasn't spoken with me in over 18 months.

    Great stuff religion.


  • lisavegas420

    weird and scary. I wonder if he was doing any peeking in when your mom was alone. Or had video cameras set up in your house.


  • ninja

    did he ever get his circular saw?

  • Quandry

    I have one thing to say--Eeeeuuuuuuwwww....

    Why would he this man even know WHERE the bedroom was in your house? Why would he feel so free to go there?

    Well, okay two things.

    As usual it was kept hush hush and no one ever knew why. But he is in congregations today without restriction.

    One thing Witnesses are really good at-keeping elders in that do creepy stuff and keeping it quiet and ejecting rank and file when it suits them and spreading the reasons around the congregations.

  • Hortensia

    so how sick is this: she still associates with this creep, but NOT with YOU? sick sick sick

  • flipper

    I think I see- That is one of the creepiest stories I've heard on this site yet. It's amazing to me how arrogant and creepy some of these people get. I never liked when people would just walk right into my house either. Knock first ya know! Someone might be naked for gods sake!

  • changeling


  • Mum

    This is a creeeepy story! I'm so sorry, ithinkisee, that you have had to endure the pain of being shunned when someone who is clearly guilty of wrongdoing is accepted unconditionally.



  • AuldSoul
    ninja: did he ever get his circular saw?

    He found it filed under "JW Reasoning Methods".

  • emptywords

    The one thing above all that I hate is the hypocrocy of the religion, how can she not talk to you and yet forgive this weirdo who walked into her home and lyingly used an excuse about a saw, treated you're father like a fool, involved you're brother in the lie, sneaked around decieving everyone, is reinstated time and time again and only the other elders know why.

    Gives me the creeps, and so sorry you have to go through shunning for being honest and this creep gets away with lies and hypocrocy, just terrible.

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