Why do we do it???
Responding To Posters With An Agenda, Who Won't Listen To Reason
by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends
sweet pea
Possibly for the same reason we keep trying to reason with Jdubs - we hope that something we say might make them see things differently. Whatever the reason, even if the poster doesn't benefit, the replies might strike with a cord with someone else who does have an open mind.
Maybe the same reason that we knocked on doors for so many years only to hear "I'm not interested" and have the door slammed in our faces.
Get over it and move on.
It is in our nature....remember we are ex-JW's who used to go door to door, with our own agenda, and speak to people that we thought wouldn't listen to reason.
For the audience.
To hone our reasoning skills. Can we spot the dissonance?
Everyone likes a bit of controversy and argument to spice things up and agitate the stagnant waters.
I don't have a clue! I decided yesterday that I would not do it anymore. So tell us, why do you it?
Check out the next thread and try to exercise self control.
Check out the next thread and try to exercise self control.
At least there is a disclaimer on it....
Why do we respond to minimus?
Because we love the guy. LOL!