Everyone lives in a comfort zone that is right for them. If it gets solid and uncomfortable, we spank it and fluff the pillow until it is soft again.
Aren't Jehovah's Witnesses just living in a ''Comfort Zone''?
by RULES & REGULATIONS 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Going door to door, telling people to study the Bible, go to meetings and figure out how you are going to change your bad ways without any education or help from us, how hard is that?
For some it is very hard. The reality for some JW or XJW's is that it is so easy a little comfort zone, well why did many leave, I have spoken to quite a few XJW's, and many said they couldn't hack the amount of time that doing the truth took from them, and going door to door was hard in itself because they no longer believed, no one just ups and leaves the truth overnight for no reason. They lose faith gradually, it starts with one little thing or one big thing and over a period the meetings become so hard to go to and witnessing is a waste of time and so on. This is usually what happens, happened to me twice.
For another answer how hard is that? some that were not born in the truth, had very very hard lives some with addictions to overcome, childhood abuse, some have mental illnesses they have to cope with, you may think the witness life or parenting is bad because of meetings and so on, some that came from the world would have loved having the security of a family, some had nothing, lived on the streets, I am not over dramatising this either, their homelife or parents were none existent, some have no idea of love, been looked after properly or having a secure roof over their heads. For all the abuse that is talked about on forums about the JW and child abuse cases we know that it is inexcusable, but the majority of JW are good parents. I and some other JW's including some of my family members are X adicts, alcoholics, homeless and looked after ourselves since we were kids, so with all that I must say if I hadn't learnt and put trust in Jehovah I would not be alive today, everday we have to fight addictions and painful memories. It is the WTS that I am troubled about at the moment, not the average JW.
Not all witnesses have it easy, actually many from the world have it very hard, as do some that are born in the truth, due to lack of education and descent work.
I do agree that many JW's are good people and being one is not 'easy' but still most are Comfortable in their JW culture. They believe they are BETTER than anybody else and that over
6 Billion people are going to DIE at Armegedon.
Personally I was not comfortable with that teaching and I could not teach it to others.
tinker, I agree that they think that they are better than most people, but not all of them are living in a comfort zone, many are in the religion because they really love Jehovah and believe everything they are taught.
I think there is an elitism in the org that is becoming even more apparent, and things are starting to be exposed but those that see like you and I and others on this forum either stay for reasons, leave or some are DF or DA whatever, those that remain will have to make a choice soon as it will become apparent that comfortable or not things in the tower are not what they seem. That will seperate the ones that love Jehovah and the ones that love the tower and all the glory that goes with it, idolty, nothing new under the sun is there.