by badboy 12 Replies latest jw friends
If I'm not mistaken, she didn't have anything to do with Bible Students or Rutherford's Jehovah's Witnesses after she took her husband to court. Probably lived out her days in regret of wasting of her life with a looney husband.
Nathan Natas
She broke out the PARTY dress!
I would love to know if she authored any biography or books post WT association....but she probably didnt nothing has ever surfaced. Tisapity..
Don't forget they split up on bad terms and the cunning Russell did all he could to avoid paying alimony to her even by claiming before the judge that he was a poor man without any resources.
Maria Russel filed for a legal separation from Charles Russell in June 1903. They went to court in April 1906. In that year she published two books, This Gospel of the Kingdom - A Cup of Cold Water for a Thirsty Soul and The Twain One. Both books are available from Amazon.com. In 1913 she sued for a divorce and won. He died 3 years later, on October 31, 1916.
by MARIA FRANCES RUSSELL This is a reprint of the original book written by MARIA RUSSELL, the wife of CHARLES TAZE RUSSELL. MARIA RUSSELL was quite a rebel in her time and a zealous advocate of the rights of women. This book was originally published in 1906 and even at that time she championed a woman's right to be more than a household servant to her husband and children. She used THE TWAIN ONE as the platform to expound her views and used the Bible to back up her belief in the eqality of men and women. This book is a must read for Jehovah's Witnesses, Bible Students and all those who believe in the inherent equality of men and women.THE TWAIN ONE
Maria Russell and Charles Taze Russell: what a pair!
Maria was smitten by Charlie's charisma, ambition and personal fortune.
It was she, Maria, who invented the doctrine of The Faithful and Wise Servant. It tickled C.T.Russell's ears, but, he resisted.
There was a catch, however. Maria conceived of the doctrine as INCLUDING herself! She was part of the "one flesh" or TWAIN, as she called it which constituted the
latter day mouthpiece of Jehovah spouting end times "truths" at the proper time.
To Russell's credit, he dodged Maria's interpretation for as long as his ego could stand it, but, finally succumbed and admitted "privately" it might be true.
Maria had married Russell for a purpose. That purpose had, at the outset, NOT included sexual relations or the rearing of children. Maria was a bright lady and had plenty to
contribute to the success of Charlie's enterprise. What private agreements were arrived at between the two of them we cannot begin to guess. All we know is that there gradually grew to be a conflict of interests between them which included Maria's interpretations of "the Twain".
It is a great irony indeed that what became a worldwide organization of Jehovah's Witnesses (under Rutherford and Knorr) hinges on the pivotal doctrinal interpretation of "Faithful and Discreet Slave" being pretty much what Maria Russell decided it should be!
The Society has never mentioned these origins as far as I can recall. Embarassing? I'd say so!
She most likely lamented the fact that she would never find another man like her deal old Charlie. Who else could she meet who had a penchant for pyramid dimensions, miracle wheat, and who sported such a handsome Amish-style beard.