An Update....

by R.F. 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • R.F.

    Hello all, just wanted to fill you in on the situation with my mother.

    She's doing good now after having the emergency surgery last week. We're hoping that she can come home in a couple days. Her blood counts are still low but they have risen since the surgery. She lost alot of blood during the surgery and since she refused a transfusion under all circumstances, they're doing everything else they can to raise the levels. She's looking much better after being taken out of the intensive care unit.

    The health issue has been an ongoing one for years and we think this surgery will fix this particular probelm permenantly, but we're keeping our fingers crossed about it.

    As far as things with me......

    I've been doing pretty well. I must say that i'm much happier with mom's health after this surgery. Things are looking better for the future. So much just seems to be going on here lately. Between mom's health, my new found thoughts about the Borg, a broken engagment, it can wear me down every now and then. It's just seemed as if my entire life has changed overnight and i'm trying to adjust. I still have only been to maybe 2 meetings in 3 months, haven't turned in a field service report in 2. I'm still a MS and Pioneer though, even though I requested to be taken off the pioneer list. There was another issue that has occured lately that I won't tell of here, but that had taken it's toll on me as well. It's just seemed that there has been one thing after another that could potentially wear me down, but at the same time i've gotten this strength out of no where....I know it has to be God.

    But i'm not trying to make this thread a "poor R.F." thread, just want to keep you all posted on latest developments and tell you how awesome you are.

    Thank you for you're concerns and thoughts for us. They have been very much needed and appreciated. I'd also like to thank you all for the help i've received since i've first started to make my exit as a JW.


  • quietlyleaving


    You really have a tough time going on . My thoughts are with you.

    Glad your mother's health is improving.


  • R.F.

    Thank you quietlyleaving.


  • free2think

    Thanks for the update R.F. Wow you have had a lot going on, but im glad things are looking up for you and your family.

  • truthsearcher


    Glad to see that you are reaching out here for some encouragement!

    Remember James 1:2,3, that these trying times are developing your patience and inner strength. Easy to say, not so easy to live through!

  • purplesofa

    Hi R.F.

    thanks for the update. I wanted to say, on messenger, it says you are mobile and extra charges may be added to you, so that is why I have not messaged you. Do you get extra charges?

    I am glad your Mom is out of intensive care and doing better.

    You have been in my thoughts.


  • TheListener

    Hang in there R.F.

    We're here to support you the best we can.

  • ex-nj-jw


    Glad to hear about your mom! Hang in there you will hit rough spots and then things will smooth over again. And just when you think all is well, you got it, sh** happens again! I've come to realize it as LIFE!!

    Keep your chin up!! We are here for you when you need to vent!


  • R.F.

    Thank you all!

    ex-nj-jw, I definitely think you're right. I've figured that out pretty quick here recently. If I was still a JW I swear i'd go completely nuts.

    Purps, to answer your question, i'm not sure if there are more charges. I'll have to check it out, but either way I really don't care about them right about now. I should've been calling you though, but don't worry....i've been doing pretty good actually. On paper it may seem like alot is going on but things just seem so different for me now, like a positive seems to come out of every negative, and when a negative happens I try to learn all I can from it.

    Thank you all once more. You guys(and gals) are the greatest.


  • collegegirl21

    Keep me updated on mom! I'm happy that she's doing better! And its cool that she'll be getting out in a couple of days!!! It was fun talking to you Saturday night, haha... I'm really never drinking again!

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