E-Watchman is luck to even have 50 members. He's constantly banning those that don't agree with him or the WT.
by AK - Jeff 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
E-Watchman is luck to even have 50 members. He's constantly banning those that don't agree with him or the WT.
I listened straight through to about three or four of his Podcasts.
What struck me about him is how much his persona is Elder-ish.
He has taken a mouthful of nonsense and chewed it into a cud, cow-like, and made milk out of it for all of us to suck from his teats.
Udder pap.
I'd liken what he does to having a science fiction writer on tap who will make up a story for you on the spot. But, pretending it is all real.
What he is saying, sadly, is no more far-fetched or ridiculous than what I was chugging from the Watchtower for years with a giant grin on my puss!
For JW's who need another way of dealing with the boa constrictor of Brooklyn he offers a satisfying respite.
Hmmm.....so we think 'size does matter', eh?
The Enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Someday I'm sure he will be appreciated.....
After much prayerful consideration, I have reached a decision.
I am going to the E-Watchman.
For with him we encounter sayings of everlasting life.
I hope you all come to your senses before it is too late.
Farewell friends.
Armageddon is nigh!
If I remember correctly, they also delete your account if you don't post often. I like the forum and forum members over there. But I rarely post so my accounts don't last very long,
Hmmm.....so we think 'size does matter', eh?
Well, I don't. But I do find it entertaining that he must spend 1000 hours a year writing drivel that is only percieved as having value to such a small following. Of Course - CTR started small. In a hundred years or so, he might be a legend in his own mind. Jeff
He has taken a mouthful of nonsense and chewed it into a cud, cow-like, and made milk out of it for all of us to suck from his teats.
Oh, Terry! Dude! Great analogy but it's kinda freakin' me and weirding me out!!!
If it was a woman, that might be OK. But E-Watchman is a MALE and it has made me decidedly off-balance just thinking about it! I'm gonna go surf for porn now...