Have any of you had a face lift or been injected with Botox or Restalyn?
If so are you happy with the results?
I really want to know how men view this.
by Dragonlady76 13 Replies latest jw friends
Have any of you had a face lift or been injected with Botox or Restalyn?
If so are you happy with the results?
I really want to know how men view this.
Tell you what...lets see a picture of how you look now and I'll tell you if you need it.
Tell you what...lets see a picture of how you look now and I'll tell you if you need it.
<--- at over 100 years old, I certainly think I need it.... It's not for me, it's for my husband. <---dragonlady of the is all for looking better and fully endorses all types of plastic surgery class.
I have had botox.....
..........but it was for a wonky eye,
Gotcha there didnt i
Gotcha there didnt i
for deaconb
Here is my picture...what do you think?
If it feels good do it. I see a lady at the gym who I can tell has had work on her face, I can see how tight the skin is, not that it looks bad, I could just tell. Too bad we all have to get old and there's no new world order, at least not like we imagined.
If it feels good do it. I see a lady at the gym who I can tell has had work on her face, I can see how tight the skin is, not that it looks bad, I could just tell.
It's not for me, it's for my husband, he seems interested but cautious...maybe there is a double standard for this, for women it's ok but for men it's still viewed as weird.
Yes. I've had Botox. I should say I have Botox 'cause I just got it a month ago (for the 2nd time). I love it. I work for a cosmetic dermatologist, so Botox, Restylane, and all those things are what I talk about and assist with every day. We see a few men for Botox, and it's a great option. Men just have a harder time "admitting" that they want Botox, because cosmetic treatments are largely marketed towards women.
But Botox, Restylane, and such are not just for women! I'd say go for it. But find an experienced dermatologist to do it, so you get the right results you're after with minimal to no side effects. You can go to the Botox Cosmetic website and search for a doctor in your area who is a member of the Botox network.