3 months, not even a phone call about my late mother from the Dubs.....

by WingCommander 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • greendawn

    Sorry to hear about the death of your mother. There have been numerous instances of the unloving nature of the JWs reported on this or other forums and I myself experienced it. The JWs are definitely a society that has failed to develop love among its members to them just not harming your fellow JW is the ideal of love. The leadership never gave the right example.

  • sspo

    Sorry about your loss but i'm not schocked at all by the lack of love.

    I would take all the 50 sympathy cards you received from " worldly people", put them in a box,

    right a note how hurt you are and deliver the them to the presiding overseer or an elder of your choice.

    At times being smacked right in the face with the evidence might prick their conscience.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee


    After my dad died, I had one elder and his wife stop by briefly. They said they couldn't stay because they'd been out in service all morning and were hungry and wanted to go for lunch. They promised to come back later in the week. I'm still waiting and that was over 5 years ago.

    There are so many good and wonderful people in this world, and have shown me much love and understanding, much more than I ever received as a JW. Please just be careful with the Pastor, you are in a vunerable state right now.


  • changeling

    I'm sorry you've been treated so poorly. It goes to show that what matters to JW's is not the individual but the org. If you are not "tight" with the org. you're nobody.


  • B_Deserter

    The JWs are the absolute embodiment of Conditional Love. They'll love you until you disagree with them, then all the friendships you hold dear are snuffed out in an instant. It's as if no one cared for you at all, which points to the fact that they really don't.

  • flipper

    Wing Commander. Mr. Flipper and Mrs. Flipper send their heartfelt condolences to you. It is so true they are a heartless organization, I'm so sorry they treated you and what happened to you with such lack of caring and disdain. Mrs. Flipper just stated to me her theory on what makes them this way. She feels they are so beaten down by the daily routine of being witnesses that they are unable to have empathy. My theory is a lot less forgiving insofar as I was a witness from birth till 4 years ago. My theory? That they are pontificating bastards who are only concerned with people who are punching in the" time clock" so to speak getting good field service time in and reaching out making a "name" for themselves in the congregation. Sad but true! As soon as a member stops service or meetings., the caring stops. Please know wing commander, you have a lot of people on this board who care about you and your losses, and will treat you with dignity like a human being better than you were ever treated in the jw organization! If you ever want to talk, don't hesitate to pm me. Peace to you my friend, Mr. & Mrs. Flipper

  • FreeGirl2006

    Sounds like we have all had similar experiences. It is sickening the lack of love displayed toward the "lesser" members of the congregation. I remember when I asked the elders why not one of them came to see me the three years I was in bed, doped up on a bucket load of medications and in/out of the hospital for surgeries. The loving reply? "You can't expect to be shown love if you are on the fringe of the congregation." I said, "Excuse me, but I was not on the fringe of the congregation (ie--next to inactive/totally inactive by their definition)until I became seriously ill." The love just radiates off of them. I had more calls, cards and visits from "worldly" relatives and workmates than I did from the loving brotherhood. So glad I am out of the loveless borg. The friends in my life now call or email me every day to see how I am doing...don't think that ever happened the entire 30 years I was part of the borg.

  • hubert

    Sorry to hear you lost your Mom, Wing Commander.

    The attitude the j.w.'s have taken only confirms that there is no Christian love in the Watchtower organization.


  • poppers

    Sorry for your situation WC. You have my condolences about your mom.

  • truthsearcher

    I was shocked when I read Jeff's story, and I continue to be shocked by the confirmations of a loveless religion. I am so sorry Wing Commander that at the time when people should be pouring balm into your wounded heart, they are ignoring you instead! By their fruits, you will know who the true followers of Jesus and God are...

    You wrote:

    The only real comfort I felt was from my own prayer asking God for forgiveness of her sins, and to take her whole life into consideration when the Resurrection comes. I also asked for guidance and strength harder that I have ever prayed before and somehow felt it come over me. (This was before and during her passing)

    I wish I knew which way to turn. I went back to a few Sunday meetings, hoping maybe someone would see me there and give a damn, but all I get is fake smiles and greetings for me to keep coming back, but with no follow-ups at my home, etc. I find the whole situation strange and pathetic all at the same time. All the while, a non-demoninational Pastor keeps stopping by my house every 3 weeks asking about me, preaching about being Born-Again (which is a strange concept for a life-long JW), and showing geniune affection and interest. He regularily goes door-to-door with his Bible in my neighbourhood and others. I find it amazing that not just JW's have their "field ministry".

    You have been warned about this pastor, but I have known many loving pastors who do visit door-to-door, sharing the love of Jesus. You prayed for guidance, perhaps this is God's answer to you?

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