I knew several that got df'd for drunkenness but never anyone for gluttony. As far as I can remember, in the Bible there weren't categories or various levels of sin; and both these are mentioned as sinful. Last I looked, there were an awful lot of VERY obese witnesses in the congs. Did anyone ever hear of someone getting counseled for gluttony?
Gluttony and Drunkenness
by journey-on 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Never, apparently it is not a very serious offence for the JWs since it is not likely to bring reproach to their org as being drunk can do.
Little Drummer Boy
Not in my hall. I woulda beat the living s&&t outta any elder that tried that judgemental crap on me.
Let me guess...your skinny?
Let me guess...your skinny?
She has a valid point.
I don't think she's poking fun at obesity.
Little Drummer Boy
I'm not really that interested in this thread, so I'm not gonna get into the whole "skinny people think over weight people have no reason to be over weight" argument.
It would just put me in a bad mood. Then I wouldn't be using emoticons like in the last post.
Somebody's having a bad day. Little Drummer Boy....you've misunderstood the intent. I'm not rallying skinny against fat people. I just read your nasty post to Terry. I THINK YOU NEED A NAP.
Gluttony cannot be proven
Little Drummer Boy
I didn't misunderstand you. I see this from a different perspective than you, that is all.
Also, I most certainly was NOT nasty to Terry.
Have you followed his threads the past few days? (That's rhetorical, look 'em up if you want...or don't, whatever)
I used to think very highly of him. Seriously. However, I have lost all respect for Terry at this point due to his arrogance and callousness that he has put in print for all to see.
Sorry, Little Drummer Boy. I HAVE read his posts very carefully, as a matter of fact, and I just don't see it the same way you do. It's strange how people have such different perspectives, isn't it? I found them enlightening, informative, and helpful.
Little Drummer Boy
Ahh, let me guess...skinny and a good speller? <------That's an emoticon. It is winking. There was an emoticon in my first post too.