Why Platonic Relationships Are Doomed To Heartbreak- Your View

by nvrgnbk 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gretchen956

    I think this is mostly a heterosexual thing. Not so true for us gay folk. I have good good friends both men and women. And we are well known for being friends with our ex'es. Not always, of course, there's exceptions to everything. But its the sexual tension that gets in the way of a platonic friendship and if there isn't any there.... no problem.


  • changeling

    Sherry: I think a platonic relashionship is defined by sexual tension.


  • Gretchen956

    Platonic love

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    Close Relationships

    Platonic love in its modern popular sense is a non-sexual affectionate relationship, especially in cases where one might easily assume otherwise. A simple example of platonic relationships is a deep, non-sexual (i.e. overtly romantic) friendship, not subject to gender pairings and not excluding close relatives.

    The Meaning of PlatonicThe dictionary definition of a platonic relationship, also known as platonic love, is that of an affectionate relationship between two people of the opposite sex, where there is no sexual element, although there could be the possibility for it. It is love based on the beauty of a person’s character and intelligence, not the appearance.


  • joannadandy

    Probably as doomed as any other relationship has the potential to be doomed. I think just like in other friendship cases it depends on how well everyone communicates their feelings. I've had/have several platonic friendships. It's more about the parties involved than the actual "platonic" part.

  • LearningToFly

    From personal experience, I know that platonic relationships can be had. As Gretchens posting show, the relationship is not based on sexual lust or attraction, it is based on the inner person, the intellect, the beauty of ones inner soul. I am single, but my closest friend is a man. We share a friendship based on mutual appreciation for each others character and when we spend time together can talk deeply on any topic, whether we agree with each other or not. It is a friendship of deep understanding and caring for the other, and platonic. I know that if or whenever I might find myself in relationship, this friend will always remain my dearest friend. A simple way to put a picture to this type of relationship, is to imagine two young children who are the best of friends, who love to be together, are inseperable.. they love to hug and hold hands and play together.. simply delighting in each others presence. There is nothing sexual about this innocent type of relationship, and it is the same about a deep platonic relationship. Although as adults, having the capacity to feel a deep sexual draw to another might make this concept impossible if one is not able to seperate themselves from the sexual being that is within us as well. When one is able to though, beautiful platonic friendships are possible.

  • smellsgood

    Sure, I don't have anything BUT platonic relationships with my boys. You know, a boyfriend seems like such a headache to me right now. I get along with guys somewhat better than girls though, they're sometimes more easygoing (no jealousy, girls can really get their feathers in a frier). I've never understood why some people think that you can't be friends with the opposite sex and nothing more. To me its very natural.

  • free2think

    I think they can work as long as you are both on the same page, so to speak. I actually get on better with guys then girls, in general, to be honest and i always have even when i was a dub.

    I have quite a few platonic relationships.

  • blondie

    Some hurdles may be high but not insurmountable.

    Two mature people can have a good friendship that does not lead to physical consummation as long as nothing changes.

    They may see each other as unavailable. But what if that changes through death of a SO or spouse, divorce or separation? What if physically the person does not attract but that changes? What if distance makes it difficult? Or what if one of the twosome is fooling themselves and is willing to have a "platonic" relationship that none at all, hoping that the hurdles or barriers disappear in time?


  • nvrgnbk

    That was deep, blondie.

    Insightful questions.


    Nvrgnbk..Most of my Lady Friends are married,to my Buds!..Platonic isn`t an issue..Unless I want to ruin their lives and destroy my friendships with my male friends.That isn`t going to happen!..Platonic is good with me...OUTLAW

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