German KM 09/07 Translated! Watchtower cracks down on study groups.

by drew sagan 89 Replies latest jw friends

  • AuldSoul
    Therefore the "faithful and discreet slave" does not approve of any literature, websites, or meetings not under its direction.

    This new statement creates growth opportunities for a Talmudist ...

    Literature: Dante's Divine Comedy, is it or is it not under the direction of the FDS? If not, it is on the "not approved" list. "Sister So-and-so, I noticed you reading People magazine the other day. Is that literature under the direction of the Faithful and Discreet Slave?" "No, Professor, I didn't read about Algernon. You see, I am a conscientious objector to University literature." "I wish I could review the Employee Handbook, boss, but it is clearly literature produced without the direction of the Faithful and Discreet Slave." "WHAT? You have a LIBRARY card? Do you realize how much literature the library has that isn't produced under the direction of the FDS? Er, yeah, about that UN library thing ... I have a question ..."

    Web sites: No more ordering online for the faithful JW. The Bible makes it clear that mature christians go to outlet stores. Paul was constantly in the marketplace. No, your child should not Google "hippopotamus" if they are at an age of accountability; what if others found out that you had such a cavalier attitude toward the clear instructions from the Faithful and Discreet Slave? You can just forget about filing your taxes conveniently, the FDS has NO authority over the services Web sites, so they are unapproved.

    Meetings: "I know I was supposed to be in that focus group to discuss the new direction the company is taking, boss, but my religion does not approve of meetings that aren't directed by the Faithful and Discreet Slave. What's that about the Employee Handbook? Yes sir, I'll clear out my desk."

    You get the idea. Talk about adding a LOT to the Talmud, and creating reasons for JWs to gossip and slander one another even further. WOW! Next the FDS will have to revise this statement slightly and produce a list of approved and disapproved resources.


  • AuldSoul

    choosing life,

    Archeology is a science. A hard science, in fact, unlike psychology.


  • AuldSoul

    Um, didn't the FDS recently approve of the CESNUR meetings attended by Watchtower representatives? Apparently this disapproval of all meetings they don't control is rather recent.


  • sir82

    Anyone have an idea what scientific studies they may be alluding to?

    Not absolutely sure, but ideas that come to mind:

    -- Researching to "prove" that evolution is false, and coming away convinced of the opposite

    -- Researching to "prove" that 100% of the earth was covered with water miles deep a little over 4000 years ago, and coming away convinced of the opposite

    -- Researching archaeology to "prove" that 607 BC is a better date for the fall of Jerusalem that 587 BC (Look out! Here comes Scholar)

    -- Researching archaeology / history to "prove" that 3,000,000 Israelites were tramping around in the desert for 40 years a little over 3500 years ago, even though they somehow managed to not leave a microfiber of evidence they were there

    And so on

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan


    Thanks for putting those additions into the translation! I had such a hard time with those two parts and I'm glad you where able to clarify.

    I suppose the reason I had trouble is because I have never heard of a book called “Insight into the Holy Scriptures”, is there another name for this book in English?

  • AuldSoul

    Insight On the Scriptures Volumes 1, and 2. Big, green, ecyclopaedic. Replaced the old Aid to Bible Understanding.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Thanks AuldSoul! I was just totally braindead for a minute. I totally forgot that two volume set existed.

  • logic

    The people at bethel are so good at research, ha, ha. They have the worse tract record of anybody. They can't even get the light on much make it brighter.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Therefore the "faithful and discreet slave" does not approve of any literature, websites, or meetings not under its direction. (Matt 24:45-47)

    So the bible itself falls under the category of literature not approved of by the "faithful and discreet slave".

  • xjwms

    Oh my, ... the Org has issues.

    Can't believe those who are "in" can't see through that.

    Strong brainwashing here.


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