I'm mad as hell (New Here)

by Miss Bliss 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Welcome, Miss Bliss! Isn't it interesting that the truly Christ-like people in the org. have left and come here? A lot have, anyway. The unChrist-like people tend to stay in. I have found the pagans on this site are much more Christlike than the JW's still going to the meeitngs. I have recently given up X-ianity (my friend spells it like that. Cute!) because it didn't fit well with my beliefs. Still figuring things out. I'm checking out reincarnation right now.

    Cheers, Chenoa

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Welcome to the board Miss Bliss!!!

    Sounds like you were able to make a great decision at an early age.

    Thanks for stopping by. Looking forward to hearing more of your story.

    Open Mind

  • nvrgnbk

    Cool avatar.

    Glad you're here, Miss Bliss.

    Enjoy your journey.

  • jgnat

    Welcome, Miss Bliss! It feels rotten knowing you've been lied to, doesn't it? Congrats for breaking free early.

  • Sassy

    Welcome to JWD.. we look forward to hearing more from you

  • I quit!
    I quit!
    I mean I was in very much in when the UN involvement was happening how could I not have known?

    You know what they say about the Watchtower. They treat you like mushrooms. They keep you in the dark and feed you.....you know what.

    Well come to the forum.

  • PEC

    Welcome to JWD, Miss Bliss.


  • ex-nj-jw

    Welcome to JWD!

    Your story sounds so much like me. I left, just walked out 24 years ago and never went back. Still have some family in.

    Looking forward to hearing more of your stories!


  • Junction-Guy

    Thank you Miss Bliss, not only are they a cult, they are a family destroying cult at that. My wish is the same as yours, anyone who is involved in this racket, leave as fast as you can, and take your children with you.

  • LeslieV

    Welcome Miss Bliss...it is always a shock when you learn the "truth" about the "lie."


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