I hate Walmart!
by Elsewhere 137 Replies latest jw friends
John Doe
I never, ever shop at Wal Mart for the same reason!! They are destroying middle class America. We don't have a chance against them alone but if people would band together and boycott them together, things would change for the better!!!!
Hating Wal Mart is a wierd part of the psychological makeup of many, some sort of cathartic need to hate anything succesful or large. Quite sad actually.
That is just about the most ridiculous thing I have ever read in my life. I won't even dignify it with a rebuttal.
I stand behind what I said, and if you can legitimately rebut it I would be most shocked. I don't know how you can continue copying and pasting the crap you are without seeing how biased and slanted it is.
I don't see how you can actually believe some of what you are saying, and you still have not answered my questions. At least I have facts and not just "opinion." I guess that Walmart NOT being on the Fortune 500's top 100 list of best companies to work for is biased as well. According to a piece I read a while ago in USA Today, Walmart has built up a very cozy relationship with California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Mr Schwarzenegger receives lavish contributions to causes close to his campaign organization and in return votes down legislation aimed at curbing Wal-Mart's more odious labor practices.
And I do support LARGE companies who are socially responsible. So, your above comment is ludicrous.
Being knowledgeable about the level of social responsibility of the companies that you apply for, work for, and patronize is the first step to supporting a more socially responsible world. I believe I should do this now, as I'm not still waiting for Armageddon to make it all better.
John Doe
Care to repost your questions? I'm not wading back through that crap again. Sure Wal Mart is biased, and I would take what they say with a grain of salt, the same as I take a disgruntled former employee with a grain of salt.
Forget the questions. Doesn't matter.
Sure Wal Mart is biased, and I would take what they say with a grain of salt, the same as I take a disgruntled former employee with a grain of salt.
If you mean "disgruntled" as in..."The employees were disgruntled by their bad working conditions.." then you are most certainly right. I was not fired. I quit because of those condtions. They begged me to stay, in fact. No one, and I mean no one, would work self-check out. I knew my job inside and out, and was over-qualified. I had the best attendance record. Unfortunately, they do not promote over-qualified employees. They would have to pay them too much. That's another one of their little known inside practices.
Anyway, you don't believe don't believe me. I see. DOH....I get it. You just want to disagree for the sake of disagreeing.
Carry on then...I'll be in the pool.
The Walmarts near me always have a lot of cashiers there. I think Walmart's got almost everything you could want at a better price.
John Doe
Unfortunately, they do not promote over-qualified employees. They would have to pay them too much.
That makes no sense. Care to explain whom they promote? If conditions were so bad, why did you wait four years to leave? Hmmm.
I never said I do not believe you or that I do not believe Wal Mart. I said I take your words with a grain of salt. What that means is that the truth lies somewhere between your collective biases. I don't expect you to be able to see that.
What is this about not minding the questions? I have yet to see them (I may or may not have missed them), and you seem to continue harping about them, until I ask what questions I missed. What's the deal here?
"And that's why they build one every three miles and put others out of business."
If that's what occurred you might have a legitimate concern. However that's not what happened here. The last chain store, Ames, closed more than six years before construction ever started on the local WalMart. Nothing locally has closed over the opening of WalMart here.
If business's want to compete with WalMart then they need to step up. One local store has become an authorized service center to repair electronics, something WalMart DOESN'T do.
I think WalMart is good for a local community as it FORCES other businesses to compete. It forces their employees to provide good customer service, which was severely lacking in too many businesses. -
I think WalMart is good for a local community as it FORCES other businesses to compete. It forces their employees to provide good customer service, which was severely lacking in too many businesses.
This is correct, IMO. However, at the other end of the spectrum, some businesses cannot compete because of the nature of the business. The way one of our local businesses solved the problem, was by offering a higher end product. Walmart carried the same type of stuff in one of their departments, but this small business decided to make her product the higher quality more upscale type. Guess what!? She stayed in business and now the locals that want better quality and a more up-scale version have an alternative.
She used the 80/20 rule. 80% of her sales come from 20% of the customer base. It worked for her. I know....because it was me.