With all the recent changes in the Society, it seems that they are agressively responding to information leaks. Watchtower to be a private edition only with study articles AND a public edition without study articles Public talk reduced to 30 minutes Sep KM admonition against JW websites, family studies, debates and discussions Do you think they underestimate us? For example, very few have the Sep KM, yet an brother was able to get hold of one. The WT's progress against informed witnesses is one step up and two steps down.
Know thine enemy - Does the Watchtower underestimate us?
by truthseeker 12 Replies latest jw friends
It's interesting, I visited my mother this past weekend, and she started filling me in on all the "news," the change in the WT, the public talk being 30 minutes, the borg pulling stuff out of Brooklyn, etc, stuff I already knew but didn't let on. Then I asked her if she knew about the recent sex abuse settlement payout. Well, THAT was news to her. She seemed somewhat shocked, but not really bothered by that. I've never mentioned the UN scandal to her.
She mentioned that next year's dates for the DC were not announced at this year's DC, so many are speculating that the borg might think the end is really, really near -- so near there's no need to plan the 2008 DCs. I laughed and said, "Well, it's about time!"
Interesting news Streets76. It does seem as if the Watchtower is going through another 1980 crisis. During the 80s Apostasty, inside knowledge was only available to those in the know. Now those outside have more knowledge than most elders would ever have. They are self destructing from within.
They no doubt follow ex JW sites and forums and are aware of what we are up to, what kind of arguments we develop and what tactics we use against them.
Do they Underestimate us?..Absolutely..The WBT$ pitifull attempts to restrict information is comeing back to Haunt them..What is they`re response?..A hard line approach to restricting information.The same thing that got them into trouble,in the first place.....The WBT$ arrogance and stupidly of making the same decision over and over,will work to our advantage...OUTLAW
Mazzie Brossmann
When do these new study articles come out? Has anyone seen them yet?!?
Tyrone van leyen
They've always underestimated us. That's why they kept doing things the same way, with very litttle change in the last 130 years. By continuing to expel intelligent people, they have unknowingly, by their own stupid hands, created an anti- organization to finally counter them, and it will continue to grow. Perhaps they would be wise to stop making people so angry and cease this life altering business called shunning, which isn't even scriptural. BUT IT'S TOO LATE NOW YOU OLD GEEZERS!
They started off by hurting the innocents, and now all of those hurting units are starting to organize themselves into a raging monster, that thirsts for their ultimate demise, and then some. They just couldn't predict the internet and information age because they are from the stone age. I suppose they must look at Bill Gates like he is Satan on earth.
There is a separating work going on all right but it is not the sheep from the goats. It is the informed being separated from the uninformed and the strong minded from the weak minded. All you will have left , is a small community of Amish people who wash windows if your lucky! You are falling on your own sword fools." You have become to arrogant and drunk on your power and you will be humiliated and brought to your knees" thus sayeth Tyronious the bold.
Tyrone Van Leyen..I have a bit of information your going to love..The WBT$ recieves money from a Trust Fund..The Henerrieta M.Rielly Trust fund..The stock in that trust fund includes Microsoft..WBT$ is recieving money from the thing that is most likely going to be their down fall..Ironic isn`t it?..LOL!!...OUTLAW
Tyrone van leyen
That's hillarious man! Oh well they might as well enjoy their short lived ride while they can.
Does the Watchtower underestimate us?
No one can argue that they underestimated the Internet in a big way. But as far as the captioned question is concerned, my observation is that it has very often been the other way around.