If they have the truth:
then why are they so afraid of any of the brothers and sisters to do any reasearch on the net?
If they had the truth, they would not be afraid of what we would find.
Please tell me, if they had the truth, why did they never apologize to the brothers for 1975? Why did they in turn BLAME the brothers for coming up with the date, when it was printed in their Awake! and Watchtower?
Please tell me, if they have the truth, why do they flip flop on dates, on doctrines, old light becomes new light becomes old light.
Why are we disfellowshipped for doing the very thing you are doing, coming here and doing research about the organization?
Why is it, that you can denounce a belief in god, but once you state that you do not believe that the organization is god's spirited directed annointed organization, then you are called an APOSTATE???
Why are so many of their doctrines not even found in Bible? There NEVER was a biblical organization. The word never appears in the Bible.
Ask yourself, If Jesus himself came down, and asked the Society how much money they make off of the contributions, how would Jesus respond?
How would Jesus respond if he saw that they paid victims of abuse, to keep quiet so as not to tarnish the organization's name?
Ask yourself, if Jesus said you would recognise them by their fruits, and when this organization only produces ROTTEN fruitage, how can you justify to yourself that this could possibly be the truth?
with all due respect my brother.