Has anyone reviewed this material? I think the writer is mistaken on a number of issues!
UN + Watchtower as an NGO + conspiracy theory?
by cyberguy 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals
He's a typical JW apologist trying to put a happy face on an ugly situation.
Miss Bliss
I couldn't get through all of it but it seems almost like chapter 1 was enough. As far as I heard my whole life growing up as a JW it was drilled into me that the UN was bad. Even as a much younger person I can rememeber hearing the UN was the beast and I didn't even really no what the UN was. This guy who wrote these articles seems to forget the most important simple fact of all. On what grounds at all does it seem ok for the Society to have any involvement whatsoever with the UN even an offshoot. For sake of argument lets say the Society didn't know exactly what they were getting into, lets also say that things got twisted around and before they realized it they were more involved than they orignally intended. Well I still come back to the fact that there shouldn't have been any grounds for association with what they deemed the beast I mean come lets just invite Satan over for a cup of tea to talk things over. Remeber "Bad association spoils useful habits"
I really don't see how any defense works in this case. Nothing that can be said makes it okay no matter how small the level.
However what I did read was interesting, interesting yet sad... I feel bad for the guy defending them like a programmed robot. I feel bad for all those still stuck in the lies. I feel bad for every person who can't see past the delusion and says they are happy waiting for something they will never see.
Pure and utter bull$hit.
Cyberguy, this site is laughable, just read the summation to chapter six : If the Society agreed to support the UN and the principles of it's charter — which they did not — it would not violate bible principles.
First off the society would never agree to the principles of the UN as they have stated. And, secondly, they had three commitments to agree to the charter over their tenure.
steve -
I read the whole article. The article is already several years old and has been discussed in detail.
Take for instance where it states: "At the time of the initial aplication no signature was required on the form".
So what? Actually they're admitting they "signed" up. What does a signature mean? NOTHING.
They have always stated that the UN is the Scarlet Colored Wild Beast of Revelation and any affiliation or association is a gross sin against Jehovah.
At the time of the initial aplication
It says that they applied doesn't it?
The Watchtower is a lying, dirty and disgusting whore.
If you don't agree you are WT, then come and prove otherwise.
The material on that site was written by a jw apologist
who used to post here under the name of thirdwitness.Like the information on his site, the majority of what he
posted here was utter bs. He liked to pose plenty of
questions, but like most of the apologists who come here,
didn't or, more likely, couldn't, answer any. -
The way those articles are written, with the author constantly looking for loopholes to excuse the WatchTowers adulterous affair with the UN, suggests (to me, at least), that the author is a lawyer, or law-student. And as lawyers usually are full of Sh!t, and the WTS has proven to be full of SH!T ever since the beginning, rest assure that those articles are the most SH!T-filled piles of dung you could ever come across. It`s double-Sh!t, in a sense.
Burger Time
Though I think those are plausible excuses they never excuse all the bad mouthing the orginization did about the U.N. what it reminds me of is it's written in a way just like the Watchtower is when it has to get around some obvious statement the bible clearly makes. Like when they try to dance around why Paul said what he did about the "governing body" in Jeruselem at Galatains.
If you or I were in front of JC we would not be able to make such excuses for ourselves. So why do they get a pass?