did you ever notice that people who want "mutual respect" or "compromise" or "consensus" or "discussion" really just want you to shut up and listen to them? They don't really want any of those things; they just want to put the other person in the wrong for disagreeing. If they really wanted a "discussion," they'd have the courtesy to reply to comments, rather than just do a hit and run sermon. OK, rant over.
mutual respect
by Hortensia 16 Replies latest jw friends
I enjoy replying when I start a thread.
I was thinking of starting a thread like this too. Glad you did.
I think MRP did two disrespectful things -- first he didn't put things into readable paragraphs. Heck, even the Watchtower can put things in readable paragraphs in its magazines.
Second, he didn't LISTEN or engage in back-and-forth dialogue. He just wanted to post and run. That's so much like a preaching JW it isn't funny.
I'm waiting for him to show respect back to this board, because we sure gave him respect and attention. If he won't reciprocate, it will wear thin very soon.
I enjoy replying when I start a thread.
Me, too. Often it is the only reply I get.
Yeah some people are a tease
He was bombarded by so many so fast, maybe he's going to read them all, digest them, then reply to each one later. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. However, as I said in one of my posts, I think this is a diversion of some sort to get everybody off the subject of the Sept. KM. Just a thought.
Nathan Natas
Yeah some people are a
teasesimpering troll.I don't understand why such obsequious servile trolls are welcomed so heartily.
I would welcome them more in the manner of the HBO show "Deadwood": "F*ck you and the horse you rode in on."
But that's just me. I was raised by wolves.
Hi! What yall talking about?
looks like once again I'm out of the loop...
Amen, Hortensia!! I agree
How do you come in here with guns blaze'n and then disappear?