Bridge collapse in Twin Cities, MN

by frozen one 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Ok Bec and Jo both just checked in, they're fine.

    Bec is telling me she drove over the bridge about a half hour before the collapse, but she's fine, although she is stuck in the huge traffic mess over there.

    No Apologies

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    Hey No Apologies,

    Thanks for the update. I'm amazed that the fatality number is low for now. When I first saw the photos I thought there would be dozens and dozens dead given the bridge fell during rush hour. Glad to hear you people are okay.

  • Highlander

    Former Minnesotan here,

    So far, all my family is accounted for. My Dad called and let me know what had happened.

    Glad to see all you Minnesota apostates are safe and sound.

  • eyegirl

    thanks for the concern guys. i'm fine, but a little freaked out about being on the bridge not long before it happened. thank you for your concern. it's definitely freaky and makes you realize that your life can change in an instant.

  • Gopher

    RollerDave and Eyegirl-Becky,

    Good to hear you both are okay. This has really shaken up people in our Twin Cities area.

    Becky, so glad you crossed the bridge before all this happened.

    HIghlander and all who have relatives here - thanks for the concern and hopefully all your family is safe too.

  • mkr32208

    Do you think it was death eaters?

  • lonelysheep

    Thank you for checking in!!!!

    Where are ColdRedRain and Abandoned?

  • purplesofa

    Glad everyone is checking in

    Sorry for the disruption this is causing up there

    and my deepest sympathies to families and friends who have lost loved ones and have injured ones

    So thankful that the schoolbus with all the children came out with no casualties.


  • Dragonlady76

    I saw glued to the tv set last night, I even prayed last night! and for me that is a really big deal. This is horrible. My thoughts are with the families of victims.

  • joannadandy

    Yes - I am checking in - and A-ok, I take 94 to and from work -- not 35...what a horrible mess! Luckily for me everyone I know is ok - but it is scary since everyone either drives it themselves regularly or knows people who do. Very scary stuff - I can't even imagine what it might have been like.

    There are still so many people missing -- it's very sad indeed.

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