Are JWDers helpful to each other?

by AuldSoul 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • AuldSoul

    I used to think that this place was a good spot to recommend for exiting JWs. In some wasy, it still is. But if they want to test the waters of doctrinal evaluation I believe it is nearly impossible. Too many posters don't allow anyone else to go through the experimental stages they themselves went through, they try to throw everyone directly into the deep end.

    I get tired to the bone trying to help people expand their understanding a little only to have some windbag blow in followed by their sidekick high-horse riding through the thread making crap out of it by starting an ARGUMENT against the purpose of the thread, challenging it for basis in fact, exposing the Scriptures as without foundation, etc. Even when a thread specifically requests their absence, they trounce right in anyway, spewing the same crap they ALWAYS spew, on the threads THEY start and on anyone's threads they suspect of a pro-Christian agenda.

    Apparently, one sure way to make Terry place his post 2nd on your topic is to request that only Christians post to it, that posters only post Christian viewpoints to the thread , and that they use Scriptures. "If they can't take the heat, they should get out of the kitchen," doesn't work as a guiding principle in a place of healing. That's what I thought this place was. Now, I wonder.

  • ozziepost

    Don't worry, AS, Terry's an evangelist.

  • reneef

    I don't really see the sense in being rude or deliberately disrupting a discussion on a thread. If you don't want apples, there are also oranges, bananas and grapes on here, so to speak.

  • changeling

    Are you having a bad day?


  • LoverOfTruth

    This forum is the one that helped me begin to Really Heal a few years ago. The most important lesson I've learned in Life is to Live and Let Live. I believe we are all on our own path and have to muddle through. The support system here is outstanding.

  • journey-on

    Terry must be feeling bad, too. I noticed he hasn't posted anything today.

    People see things differently, so therefore have differing viewpoints. Then when two very nice people get into a spitting match, both end up feeling down.

  • Odrade

    auld, this place has been rough and tumble for a long time. It was in 2003 when I joined, and it still worked for me and my husband. Of course, I do tend to be thicker-skinned than most, and I had already decided (though recently) that I no longer accepted the JW version of things. Still, it was of use and value.

  • AuldSoul

    I'm only upset that the person who requested I post that thread was unable to get the information from the thread that he needed. He was also unable to share the thread with the person for whom he badly wanted to share it.

    I suspect it was because Christian posters shied away from an uncontrolled and disrespectful Atheist Evangel that popped up on the thread to immediately disregard the respectful request made in the thread topic and which was restated at the outset of the first post. I know there are Christian posters here, but I think many of them are tired of his carping tactics and have just started avoiding threads he takes an interest in. He takes an interest in a great many threads.

    It should tell Terry something when even his fellow skeptics start mentioning his bullyish nature, especially if he's as keenly aware of reality as he likes to project (on as many occasions as possible).

  • Odrade

    Case in point

    LMAO @ avenger's "crapheap"

  • hillary_step


    I can understand your frustration. Some of us further removed from belief can be arses sometimes.

    Perhaps many of us as have stayed on this Board a little too long, so long we have seen every question asked at least five times and every answer given at least fifty. The reality is that regarding WTS issues, all that needs to be said, analysed, uncovered has been debated and discussed here before - there is nothing new under the Board. If the search facility worked, new posters would find that most everything running through their heads has been dealt with before. I am sure even your perpectives on 'grace' and 'forgiveness' have been discussed before. I certainly remember a few such discussions in the early days.

    Of course, those new to the Board think that their experiences and discoveries are unique, and often in the celebration of their freedom they fail to see the worn down soil beneath their feet and this can frustrate longer-term members. Perhaps an opening exists for a serious forum, where those like Terry and longer-term members can move on from the 'waiting room' to the proctologists chair. No, I am certainly not going to start one and if I did it would be by invite only.

    It is a good Board for newly emerging JW's and perhaps it should actually only concentrate on this aspect of XJW life as it is impossible for long-term XJW's NOT to upset those freshly walking. Even the open discussion of politics can be a trauma to some, let alone the vigorous debating here about all manner of subjects that many view as bickering because they have never been allowed as JW's to have free and frank discussions.

    Just a final note :

    I get tired to the bone trying to help people expand their understanding a little only to have some windbag blow in followed by their sidekick high-horse riding through the thread making crap out of it by starting an ARGUMENT against the purpose of the thread

    Don't you think this statement a trifle arrogant Auld Soul?


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