NEED HELP finding info on disassociating those who aren't active.....

by Lady Liberty 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyberguy

    Cognizant dissident,

    No, there were no instructions for those not answering the question. However, it would be best to not answer the question(s), or rather, answer it in terms of, “why do you ask?” You can also say, “If you are asking if I consider myself a ‘Christian’ then yes!” Of course, this is not really the answer they are expecting, but a way to work around the system! It’s “theocratic warfare,” but only if you have family and friends in that you worried about loosing them!

    It is sad to report that there are a number of friends I have that have answered “no” to the question, in complete innocence of course, and have summarily been DF’d! Therefore, if you want to do the “fade” thing, then say nothing, do nothing, and definitely admit to nothing!


  • cyberguy


    You’re right on the money! If you’re trying to the fade-thing, then be careful about the trick questions coming from elders. Like I said, they’ve been instructed to determine if someone wants to remain a JW. And told to ask specific questions to rid their cult of malcontents! Anyway, if you have family and friends in it, be aware the trap!


  • besty

    We were asked that at our initial investigation meeting over a month ago. No prayer, no that the proper procedure?

    So in answer I replied "After 37 years of 5 meetings a week I'll always be a Jehovah's Witness" sarcastically meaning that the brainwashing was so ingrained I'd never truly get rid of it.

    They moved on to the next trick question...

  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    "(2005) Organized to Do Jehovah’s Will" I have one for sale.

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