LDH, your reply to this post is exactly what I was going to say.
For Any JW Who Doubts The WT/ UN Connection
by Ranchette 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals
LDH, and DB,
I'm glad that I'm not the only one that has noticed this.
I want all JW to see this huge contrast and start putting two and two together.
It should be blatantly obvious to any one who has been reading the literature.
I have a feling WT is going to lie and blame this all on apostates!
If they do many will see that it doesn't add up with the evidence.Ranchette
Of course the Watchtower has email addresses - all over the world. Normally they use [email protected].country
Look at the addresses.
If you search, search for @wtbts.org on the search engines, and you will find a lot of them.
I have supplied some here, and I would be grateful if we all could collect addresses like this. The JWs are inside official documents as a result of their UN involvment, they are in security discussions online, buying and selling equipment, their addresses are hidden all over the place.
Let's all do some searches for them, and make a thread where only JW official emails are listed!
Yakki Da
I need more BOE letters, KMs and other material. Those who can send it to me - please do! The new section will be interesting!!
Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:
http://watchtower.observer.org -
bttt for Wannahelp
Thanks Ranchette..
Are there any more articles out there??
As people stated, these articles caused concerns for then active witnesses, so I'm sure these articles can be used along with the letter from Paul Hoeffel, the WT official statement, NGO requirements, etc.. to show the ones interested in truth that the WT lied to them, yet again!!!!
The more articles we have the better... If it caused problems for some of you then, my guess is that it will cause problems for active witnesses now, when coupled with the UN news itself.. You couldn't come up with answers as to why this stuff was printed then, well, now we can show active JW's and give an answer... Because I'll bet no-one has been able to come up with an answer, until now!!!!
I remember reading something about the Watchtower handing out literature regarding spousal abuse and possibly the plight of children (can't remember more details) in conjunction with their Milani Technology Park property in Hawaii. Has anyone seen any literature published by the Watchtower that is neither Watchtower or Awake!, but is provided as a public service? It would likely be pro-UN and designed to appease the UN. We need to find more of these.
Randy -
Here's another on for you.
*** g99 9/22 5-6 What Is the Future of War? ***
Global Efforts to Bring Peace
The desire to end war is expressed in the preamble to the charter of the United Nations.There we read of the determination of the member states “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime [with the two world wars] has brought untold sorrow to mankind.” That determination to save future generations from war was expressed in the notion of collective security—the idea that nations should unite against any state defined as an aggressor. Thus, if any nation wanted to start a war, it would face the wrath of the international community.
Though the idea is simple and logical in theory, applying it has been another matter. The Encyclopædia Britannica states: “Although collective security, in somewhat different forms, played a prominent part in the League of Nations Covenant and is embodied in the United Nations Charter, it has completely failed in both cases. Failing an international government capable of ultimately determining the issues, nations have not managed to agree on an unequivocal definition of aggression, have not in practice accepted the principle that aggression must be acted against independently of the identity of the perpetrator, and, therefore, have not established the international collective security force envisaged in the Charter.”
Nevertheless, the idea of creating a supranational body to promote peace was something new in human affairs. To many who yearn for peace, the UN peacekeeper, in blue beret, remains a symbol of hope. They share the sentiments of the journalist who applauded “the concept of the soldier of peace, who is sent to an area of conflict, not to wage war, but to promote peace, not to fight enemies, but to help friends.”
For decades the Cold War divided the UN into two power blocs, each inclined to thwart whatever the other wished to do. Though the end of the Cold War has not eradicated conflict, distrust, and suspicion between nations, many believe that the political landscape now offers unprecedented opportunities for the UN to act as it was intended to.
Other developments of the 20th century also give hope to those who yearn for peace. For example, the goal of international diplomacy is to resolve conflict peacefully. Humanitarian aid helps nations to rehabilitate other nations and helps peoples torn by war. Peacemaking and humanitarianism have both become components of foreign policy. Those who promote peace are honored.PROPAGANDA!!!!!
and another one,
*** g99 5/8 31 How to Avoid a Global Tragedy ***
How to Avoid a Global Tragedy
Most of these deaths occur in developing countries. While only 1 woman in 10,000 dies from pregnancy-related causes in Europe and 1 in 12,500 in the United States, the odds rise to 1 in 73 in Latin America, 1 in 54 in Asia, and an appalling 1 in 21 in Africa!
Since many of these 600,000 pregnancy-related deaths each year could have been prevented with the help of skilled birth attendants, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) are now stressing the training of women (and men) as professional midwives.
In countries where doctors are scarce, trained midwives can mean the difference between life and death. UNICEF’s Dr. France Donnay and WHO adviser Anne Thompson told UN Radio recently that giving trained midwives more authority is already bringing results. They said that in several African countries, for instance, maternal mortality dropped dramatically when midwives received permission to remove placentas that were not expelled after birth. Similar progress is being made in Indonesia, where a project aims to train two midwives for every village. So far, 55,000 trained midwives have been sent out.
“In developed countries, too, midwifery is alive,” noted the UN Radio program Perspective. Such countries as France, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United Kingdom never abandoned the tradition of midwifery, and in the United States, it is enjoying a revival. These countries value midwives, said Anne Thompson, a trained midwife herself, because they offer personalized and continual care. “A labour after all goes on for anything up to 24 hours and physicians don’t have time to sit around for 24 hours.” Yet, she added that one of the factors contributing to safer childbirth is “the presence of somebody who is sympathetic, knowledgeable, understanding and can reassure the woman.”
Perspective further noted that “each year 60 million deliveries take place in which the woman is cared for only by a family member, an untrained traditional birth attendant—or by no one at all.” The UN is striving to change this. For starters, WHO focused the 1998 World Health Day on the theme “Safe Motherhood.” “We know it will not be achieved in the next 2 or 3 years,” said Dr. Donnay. Their goal, though, is to have “a professional attendant for each woman at delivery.”My comments,
These articles may not seem like that big of a deal to you but it is when you see the pattern for yourself.
I have the 1999 WT CD, and I researched 1998 & 99.
The awake magazine for those two years are chock full of positive or neutral information about the UN.For example the 1/8/99 Awake has FOUR articles in it along with a comment in the Watching the world section that contains some UN info.
If you have the CD just type in Uninted Nations and see for your self.
It continues from there.Almost every awake in the yrs of 98 & 99 contain something from the UN.If you are still saying "so what" then think about this.
The society has ripped the Catholic Church up for years. When they mention them it's always negativly even though we all know the Church also acompolishes some good things.
You would never see the org printing positive news about Catholics on a regular basis!That's part of Babylon the Great.
Something is very wrong with this.Shouldn't it strick you as very strange when you see WT printing UN info on a regular basis.I mean that's the Wild Beast for God's sake!
There is too much for me to copy and paste but I will continue to do research when I have the time.Please think about this and research for yourself if you can.
I was just curious if anyone did a UN search on the WT library pre-1991 to see if any positive comments were made by the society concerning the UN.
If not, I will do in the not-so-distant future.
WT 2/1/1997 What Does Religious Freedom Mean to You?
...According to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, "everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion." This includes a person's right "to change his religion or belief," along with the freedom "to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."-Article 18....
U.N. GoodWT 4/15/1997 True Peace-From What Source?
...7 What about the United Nations? Has it provided any real hope of lasting peace earth wide? Hardly. Over 150 wars and armed conflicts have been fought since its inception in 1945! It is no wonder that Gwynne Dyer, a Canadian student of war and its origins, described the UN as "an association of poachers turned gamekeepers, not an assembly of saints," and "a largely powerless talking-shop."...
U.N. BadWT 4/15/1997 Seek True Peace and Pursue It!
"THEY will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore." (Isaiah 2:4) Even though this famous text is displayed near the world headquarters of the United Nations in New York City, that world organization has not by any stretch of the imagination carried them out. However, as part of the unfailing word of Jehovah God, that declaration will not be without results...
U.N. BadWT 5/1/1997 No Peace for the False Messengers!
...The UN, rather than God's Kingdom, is the pope's choice....
U.N. BadWT 6/1/1997 Jehovah Acts in Loyalty
...The booklet Peace-Can It Last?, published in 1942, especially captured my interest. It identified the League of Nations as the "scarlet-colored wild beast." (Revelation 17:3) Quoting chapter 17, verse 11, of Revelation, the booklet said: "It can now be said that the League 'was, and is not.'" Continuing, it said: "The association of worldly nations will rise again." In 1945, more than three years later, that is exactly what occurred when the United Nations organization was formed!...
U.N. Badg 7/8/1997 The Pope's UN Visit-What Did It Accomplish?
...What is to happen to the UN? Revelation chapter 17 depicts the UN (and its short-lived predecessor, the League of Nations) as a scarlet-colored wild beast that "is to go off into destruction." (Revelation 17:8) Jehovah's source of true peace is not any imperfect human agency, no matter how sincere its adherents may be. ...
U.N. Badg 11/8/1997 False Religion Rides to Its Destruction!
...Thus the prophecy shows that shortly before the political wild beast goes off into destruction, it will begin to hate its rider and turn against her. Why? Rulers and governments will evidently feel that their power and authority are being threatened by organized religion operating within their boundaries. ...
And THAT'S just 1997...
Slipnslidemaster:"It is always the best policy to tell the truth, unless, of course, you are an exceptionally good liar."
- Jerome K. Jerome