Fascinating in depth debates are now happening. You are strongly encouraged to join. http://jehovahswitness.forumotion.com New articles daily from Norm, Kent, Irongland, TheKnower and JWResearcher.
You are invited to join our discussions
by SpeakerOfTruth 15 Replies latest jw friends
Sounds delightful.
What's the general mood of the forum?
A friend pointed out that I'm getting a little bitter.
Will your forum help me with that?
Or is there a large supply of bitterness there?
If that's the case, it might not be a healthy place for me at this moment.
Thanks for the invite.
AK - Jeff
I have discontinued my visits there due to the unethical manner in which you seek to attract membership.
But thank you anyway.
Say what you will about JWD and Simon, but this site has endured for many years and has helped many people. In the words of Jesus, "Wisdom is justified by its works." People will talk out of their ass until the end of time, but what do the "works" show? Nuff said.
Many people whose opinion you may respect would tell you there is censorship at JWD. Those same ones will swear on the fact that there is no censorship on the new premier forum http://jehovahswitness.forumotion.com. The 100th member will get a signed picture of CT Russels Tomb.
Many people whose opinion you may respect would tell you there is censorship at JWD. Those same ones will swear on the fact that there is no censorship on the new premier forum http://jehovahswitness.forumotion.com. The 100th member will get a signed picture of CT Russels Tomb.
Yeah, but there are threads like this:
" the snake franz and the snake knorr. and franz claimed since they were jehovahs wife they could tell people not to use blood. and knorr saw that it was good."
And that one is by the admin.I feel myself actually getting dumber when I read threads on that site.
Fascinating in depth debates are now happening.
At your invite, I perused the site.
It has the potential, in time, to be a good site where people with questions about the WTS can go, but right now the only debates that I noticed were about that site vs. this site.
Until the important things about the Society and the recovery of being a JW outnumbers the bitching and whining about other websites, it's not all that fascinating.
I will check in from time to time to see how the site progresses. Hopefully it will mature into a respectable reference site where it's safe for all JWs and ex-JWs to visit and feel welcome to post their experiences and thoughts.
It's not polite to enter someone's house, demand they allow activities that offend them, and then try to get their houseguests to leave and go to your house instead.