Come on, all you intellectuals
- Deus Mauzzim
by DeusMauzzim 20 Replies latest jw friends
Come on, all you intellectuals
- Deus Mauzzim
mental chess or the game?
Kc1 Rc2#
Care to play again? :D
As one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I don't play chess.
It is military training and as such it is despised by my God Jehovah, the One also known as Jehovah of Armies.
Backgammon is my game - hardcore!
LOL @ nvr
I would, but I don't see the chessboard.
It is military training and as such it is despised by my God Jehovah, the One also known as Jehovah of Armies.
Hey, if it was ok for the Israelites to go in and wipe out whole civilizations (I think they call that ethnic cleansing today), not to mention all the other nasty atrocities they committed in the name of their god, I think it is ok for me to play chess once in a while...well, after I'm done playing Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Battlefield 1942.
I meant the real game. I actually like it
Nvr was mentally still on the thread about being a rebellious JW (Black Propaganda Strategy ey? )
- Deus Mauzzim
I'm rusty, but I like it too.