From choosing life: "There need to be labels in your life, mother, daugter, wife, psychologist, etc. Right? Then I think that even those labels need to get lost, too, if we are going to enjoy the total experience of just being. Then I think why am I thinking about all these things all the time? Then I just begin to listen to the coversation in my mind and notice all the drama in my life created by my mind."
Lots of powerful insight here. People put labels on themselves, play roles in relationships, and earn titles to distinguish themselves from others who don't have those titles. And what happens as a result? They see themselves AS those labels, AS those roles, AS those titles and they end up living their lives in their mind, and an imaginary life of mind created drama traps them within those things.
What are we without the label, without the role, without the title? Finding out THAT is worthwhile indeed. Then life is lived free from from the tyranny of title, rank, role, and label. Those become useful in the play of life but they no longer serve as something to identify with, and drop away when no longer needed.
Nice post, choosing life.