It boils down to politicians being politicians
This happens to me all the time, and I'm not even a Republican
by SixofNine 21 Replies latest jw friends
ok so lets put it globaly : It boils down to human being human
Actually, it's a Republican thing; at least the aspect of this that I'm bringing out: hypocrisy.
If this politician had been an advocate for gay rights, or simply an advocate for keeping government out of peoples personal sex lives, then this case would look very different. What he did would still be illegal, but it would not be nearly as hypocritical.
But we know he isn't either of those things; he is a Republican. You know, the party that hosted Ted Haggard.
do you dislike all Republicans?
Well, if a big black guy and his big black buddies want a blow job, what are you gonna do, huh?
Hey! I bet they were all Republicans!
When Allen was being placed in a marked patrol car, he asked whether "it would help" if he was a state legislator, according to a police report. The officer replied, "No."
I thought this was great!
"do you dislike all Republicans? "
No my friend. But I do hate the road they've gone down. They've strayed so far from anything resembling conservativism it's laughable, yet they are still claiming to be the party of conservatism. That's disgusting, in much the same way Jehovah's Witnesses claiming to be the religion of "truth", or the religion of "Jah's happy people" or "the only ones showing true love" is disgusting.
.....ain't nuthin' like Republican love.
There goes the stocky black guy vote.
Ha! That's classic.