Don't feel bad or jealous, Smellsgood - we all have our fair share of honky-tonk markets. I judge the stores by the produce. Some looks fresh from a kitchen garden, but a lot is battered and bruised, as you said. At least you have Trader Joes and flat bans.
Wonderful, Missann, that you can find TJs in Poland! No waiting in line, eh? A big/little town [village?] sounds perfect, at least as far as having some choice is concerned.
Hey, Jag! I don't go to our Albertsons either. Sounds like you have lots of choices. And CLOSE has a bearing on where we can conveniently shop.
Some of our discount stores have bargains galore, like canned goods by the case and basic food products, but the produce is scruffy. The moderate size, family-owned markets have the best overall quality. Some items are cheaper than in the discount food stores.
Thank you all for taking the time to share!
Till later,