Do You Love Your Neighborhood Market?

by compound complex 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Grocery-buying Friends,

    Do you get bargains at your local market? Good service even when the store is busy, such as new lines opening up? Exchanges or refunds when you have a complaint? Friendly service?
    I can say yes to all of the above. It sure takes the pain out of grocery shopping. Incidentally, a large percentage of the store employees have been with them for one or more DECADES.

    How about YOU?


  • SPAZnik

    I love my 'natural foods' grocery store so much I want to work there!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanx, SPAZnik, for your reply. That sounds like the ideal place to work. Wholesome food and surroundings. Maybe you'll get your wish, d'ya think?


  • compound complex
    compound complex


    Does anyone have a neighboorhood market? Grandma used to own one.


  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    I really like the Ottawa Market downtown, although admittedly I havn't been there in a while. For anyone driving parking might be a problem. They have a cornicopia of fruits and veggies. You can get plums that are very sweet the size of your fist and other fruits which at my age I don't even think I've tried. The fish area of the market are stocked with many different kinds of fish as well, with live lobsters and even Arctic char which is very hard to come by. Smoked char is the best, but I have connections elsewhere for that, as my brothers work at the only airline that services the Arctic and the head of Comissary is my next door neighbour.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, Tyrone!

    That's where I want to go! I love fish markets [part of my childhood] and the closest I get to one now is when one's featured in a movie. I'm going to grab a plum out of the fridge right now - forgot they were there. They're not fist-size but very sweet.


  • smellsgood

    I'm jealous. We gots this honky tonk mini store at the corner, hardly a market. Usually battered and bruised produce, ugh, the biggest variety of choices is in the beer section. There are no outdoor markets in the nearby chitty.

    I love Seattles markets though. I love especially Trader Joes, which isn't exactly a market either. But they are really very inexpensive, and have my most favourite thing...flattened bananas, no entendre intended. They're called "nothing but banana...flattened," with like five for 89 cents!

  • misanthropic

    Hi CoCo!!
    There really aren't any neighborhood markets here, but there are a few small chain stores that are somewhat like a "neighbirhood market"br> I usually prefer to go to them - like Trader Joe's, Sprouts and Wild Oats. No one knows anyone on a first name basis, that I'm aware of anyway- I live in a "big small town". But the smaller grocery places are usually less congested and have better foods IMO.

  • jaguarbass

    Where I live in Florida I have 3 markets, grocery stores I go to Sweet Bay, Publix and Winn Dixie. We also have Albertsons but for some reason I never find myself in there for the past 10 years. Publix has lots of free samples and tastings on the weekend. All 3 have good produce. Winn Dixie is the closets but it is a 1960's design. Sweet Bay and Publix are 1990s era. I do love that there are many markets within a 5 mile radius of my home. Probably doubles and tripples of all the above franchises.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Don't feel bad or jealous, Smellsgood - we all have our fair share of honky-tonk markets. I judge the stores by the produce. Some looks fresh from a kitchen garden, but a lot is battered and bruised, as you said. At least you have Trader Joes and flat bans.
    Wonderful, Missann, that you can find TJs in Poland! No waiting in line, eh? A big/little town [village?] sounds perfect, at least as far as having some choice is concerned.
    Hey, Jag! I don't go to our Albertsons either. Sounds like you have lots of choices. And CLOSE has a bearing on where we can conveniently shop.
    Some of our discount stores have bargains galore, like canned goods by the case and basic food products, but the produce is scruffy. The moderate size, family-owned markets have the best overall quality. Some items are cheaper than in the discount food stores.

    Thank you all for taking the time to share!

    Till later,



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