Comments You Will Not Hear at the 8-5-07 WT Study (Obedience)

by blondie 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Elsewhere
  • garybuss

    17 "This includes our being willing to obey directions from those who are taking the lead in true worship, though they are imperfect."
    Jehovah's Witnesses always told me that they do not follow men, that they only follow Jehovah and Jesus. If Jehovah's Witnesses are to "obey" those who are "taking the lead", who are those "taking the lead" leading . . . and who did they "take" the lead from? The leaders are not "in" the lead, they "take" the lead.

    If Jehovah's Witnesses are not following men, they can't be following the men taking the lead. So who is following those men taking the lead if not Jehovah's Witnesses? And why would Jehovah's Witnesses need to "obey" a man they are not following?

  • Blueblades

    Thanks Blondie. I too remember when the study articles had as much as 30 to 39 paragraphs, early seventies. We met in the basement of a jw's home.

    You said it well when you said ..You can't command anyone to love you or obey you. If you command it then it's not free will or voluntary obedience.

    Most of obedience comes from fear of punishment or of receiving a reward. To obey out of unconditional love for someone.. well, that's true obedience. No cereal on the ceiling and floor.


  • minimus

    We won't fall victim to certain diseases if we refuse blood.....Now that's a good scriptural reason to refuse blood.

  • Dragonlady76

    Hubby gave the "obey" a try on me this morning. Bad timing on his part.

    Patience is not always a virtue. Sometimes a dramatic statement, like soggy cereal pasted from floor to ceiling, can be equally effective.

    I hope it gets more dramatic when he has to clean it up.

  • Flash


    Q1) What spirit permeates today's society?

    1) A spirit of independence and disobedience permeates the world today.

    Right at the start they begin their Repitious Programming.

    Why did God allow the Israelites to continually disobey but then in 70 CE allowed them to be destroyed as a nation?

    One of my big complaints to God has been His Management Style.

    He sets something in motion then walks away from it... Then gets upset when it didn't turn out like He wanted.

    The WTS teaches that God is going to destroy eternally all 6.5 billion people on earth today who are not jws, including their minor children.

    God's track record hasn't been good in this area. IMO He has relied heavily on Legal Technicalities concerning the Law of His Mouth to arbitrarily show favor or condem people. I've complained to Him about this also.

    I pray regularly that He not let Satan have a bigger influence over everyone but for Him to exert Himself and save/rescue ALL the good hearted people of earth, men, women and young children whether they know Him correctly or not.

    What happened to prayer and Bible study, unadulterated by the opinions of others?

    Jesus never taught us to form congregations rigid with rules. Actualy He never taught us to form congregations at all. That came from the well meaning but over zealous and misguided ex-Pharisee Paul. This is yet another example of God largely being MIA in overseeing His people.

    Love for God motivates us--or fear of dying at Armageddon


    Even though God loves us, lawlessness cannot be tolorated indefinately. So we have to live within His standards to keep alive. That however does not mean never voicing a complaint to Him about His laws. Like children speaking up about what they like, dislike, want or don't want, yet in the end, whether they were persuasive or not, have to obey their parents law.

    Are the commands of men, commands from God?

    (Matthew 15:9) 9 It is in vain that they keep worshiping me, because they teach commands of men as doctrines.’”

    Only if they are truthfully repeating the laws out of His or Jesus mouth.

    jws serve God for the reward promised in Hebrews 11:6................would you have served God without the promise of everlasting life on a paradise earth?

    Motivated self interest is not wrong. If it turns to selfish greed then it is. Its not wrong to want to stay alive or even better yet, to live in a time and place where everyone CHOOSES to be peaceful and considerate with each other.

    The Master is coming and every one who is sanctimonious in their religion will be dealt with harshly. Personaly, I think the Witnesses are at the TOP of Jesus Hit List.

    Thanks Blondie!

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I think I'm going to be sick. These are the only people on the face of the earth that can make independence and freedom of thought negative values.

  • coaster

    Damn Blondie, you sure come in handy! I was already going to have to go tomorrow, but did not realize the date would be 8-5-07. I even made my sat morn bk stdy today with the misses, and now will enjoy the WT study tomorrow because I have printed out my very own Blondie Study Copy!!! I will try and not let the misses see it, but will incorporated what I can of you work into the discussion.

    Thanks, Coaster

  • xjwms

    Thank you, ... Thank you, ... Thank you.

    Another great job by Blondie.

    I needed a "Vomit Alert" before par 6. Where I come from Elders could'nt care less.

    Side note, : I have not been here much, trying to get the new business put together. City inspectors think they are gods.I should have a final this week. Then the fun starts.


  • LearningToFly

    Having once long ago been an obedient good girl, trained like a puppy to obey every word.. sit.. stand.. speak.. breathe.. the word OBEY now causes my arm to automatically reach for my battle sword.

    Thank you for that great posting!


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