Two very nice peeps.
Thanks for having me in Nawlins yall. The concert was awesome & I had a great time. Next time I need some extra decadence in my life, you know where to find me!
by IP_SEC 26 Replies latest jw friends
Two very nice peeps.
Thanks for having me in Nawlins yall. The concert was awesome & I had a great time. Next time I need some extra decadence in my life, you know where to find me!
Are there pictures?
ip, we had a great time also. thanks for coming down. we need to do it again soon. if you post that picture of us at pat o' brians, missanna will kill you, so, i say do it. hahahahahaha good times brother, good times.
missanna will kill you,
hahahah Lucky for me I dont have a scanner :D
arrow... :D lol just one that drew is talking about. I let myself get bamboozled into having one of those 8 dollar tourist pics taken
she looked like she was high in it. we talked about it this morning, she said, he better not show that to anyone. she was laughing though.
she looked like she was high in it.
lol 'least she wasnt sticking her tongue out. lol
Ok 'scuse me while I hijack for a sec.
Arrow, WTF?
kittens of doom? wtf? lol
by the way ip, i think we need to hop on that trolley, and sing piano man. lol
Ip drew's right if you show that picture to ANYONE i will kill you. Much love though. and what's the kittens of doom all about??? it's twisted but hillarious. when are you coming back down?
Ok 'scuse me while I hijack for a sec.
Arrow, WTF?
The great drama of the Hatters continues....Yak, Roc, Heels, Snackpack, Shag, know...officers of the's a mess
but then Varg is on Arathor not Skywall worries...Meph is still a Hatter