Die hard jw's see any problem with Sept km?

by carla 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • free2beme
    won't most jw's find the km completely reasonable?

    Hell yes. Most will just see it as "needed correction at the right time."

    Those who doubt have to go through the same mental issues as everyone.

    1. If I leave, how hard will it be to replace this life?

    2. What else is there?

    3. How do I deal with friends and family who agree with the GB still?

    4. Would the exit effort be worth it?

    5. Can I just learn to accept this and move on with what is comfortable for me?

    Most will answer with responses that have them grinding along and dealing with it.

  • skeeter1

    Help, I'm lost....can someone scan me the KM?

    (I thought the control issue was in the German edition. I must not be reading the threads carefully. It's too hot to read.)


  • steve2

    I'm kind of seeing two groups emerging in profile. They are Watchtower Witnesses and Jehovah's Witnesses. The Watchtower Witnesses support the Watch Tower Society no matter what. Jehovah's Witnesses question the Society, follow the Bible in context rather than by proof text,

    Is this a recipe for a new 'truer" group emerging: One that doesn't bow down to the Watchtower but claims to follow the Bible?

    Uh-oh... Isn't that how Russell started up this whole crazy religion in the first place, claiming to be following the Bible?

  • coaster

    The May 1, 2007 Watchtower had WAY brighter new light in the Questions from Readers than this blurb in the KM. Very similar comments to it have been printed before. Howevery at my Rev Bk Study lesson yesterday, NO ONE was even aware that the "NEW LIGHT" in the May WT indicates that the anointed still are not filled, or sealed, and that they are STILL being chosen, and not just replacement for the bad apple anointed.

    This is huge. First we let go of the Generation of 1914, and now the 144k can't die off cause they are STILL being picked!!! Three elders and two pioneers there and everyone was clueless.

    Since the KM is focusing mainly on Group stuff, most will just yawn, or even be glad they are not like that.

    Damn robots...oh, sorry about that robots....coaster

  • searcher

    Seems to me they are prepping the faithful for the cry 'grab your torch and pitchfork', and trying to frighten some of the doubters back into line.



    Am I getting the gist of what you are saying? The JWs are people who seek "truth"?

    Then there are the WWs who seek to make and follow rules?


  • R6Laser

    This article won't be a big deal like we envision it to be. I agree with Steve2, this is nothing new, it is just being re-said. Never was looked in good light for someone to be studying the bible by themselves. Most dubs will agree with this article 100% and the rest won't even care. I brought up this article with my mother(still in the borg) and she doesn't see anything wrong with it. Then I talked to an old friend also in, same thing, no big deal to them. No way to reason with someone who takes everything they write as the truth.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I don't know if they are going to have a talk or discussion at the meeting.
    Most JW's will read it for the first time during the meeting (some the night before)
    and will just give it no thought just like every other thing their minds are blindly
    accepting. It's from GOD WTS so it's GOOD, GOOD. The next day, 90+ percent
    will not remember the point, and the other 10 percent, well only the ones that get
    prodded by one of US will even care.

  • skeeter1

    I found the September 2007 KM on another thread. At first, I thought it was a joke. It was just too direct, and the logic was too illogical. I am amazed that those inside can't see it. Anyway, I e-mailed it to my family DUB members. I can't wait to get a response.

    The Society wants outsiders to question their religion, leave, and become WT members. The Society, itself, started as a study group that was disillussioned with their own religion. If the Society is the Truth, it should stand up to independant study. Yet, no independant study once in. If that itsn't C-O-N-T-R-O-L (Cult)!

    Perhaps the Society lawyers are reading this blog & our own family "studies" where we get our family members out.


  • Honesty
    this very topic is being discussed on the beliefnet debate board and from what I can see, the JW's there are are pulling the old "what they MEAN by that is ..." or "they're just saying that ...". It's sad really. There it is in black ad white coming straight from the org and they continue to make excuses.

    Some of the posters on Beliefnet claim to be 2 or 3 year 'Bible Studies' but their remarks resemble what one would hear from a well indoctrinated JW elder.

    Methinks that bethel has infiltrated Beliefnet in order to portray the cult as mainstream Christianity to people who have been contacted in the Filed Service work and wish to check the group out online.

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