My first Church communion this morning...

by AK - Jeff 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    As I have stated, religion is not a big part of my [our] life now. But we remain very spiritual. Not the uppity self-righteous type now though. Today I was off work due to our family reunion this afternoon, so upon rising I announced that I might go to church this morning somewhere, and the whole gang decided to come along too.

    We chose the 'First Christian Church' mainly due to time schedules. Wow! Though I have attended a few 'holiday' services, this was my first [wifey has gone a few times] 'regular' service. The best way I can define the difference for me was that the Jw meeting was 'indoctrination and doctrine', and this church was 'worship and praise to Jesus'. All the world in the difference. I enjoyed it.

    Part way through, after quite a bit of music, the elders all approached the front and began the communion service. They passed the bread [crumbs lol] and wine [can you say thimblefull?]. I and Wifey took and partook. Not a single lightning bolt hit us or the church. Wifey and I decided that they must be held off till Armaggedon. LOL

    No guilt. Not particularly moved to find a way to do this weekly - but it was pleasant. Organized religion is not likely to ever fill a major part of my life again. They all look alike on too many levels for me. But this was certainly far from a KH experience.

    Just thought I would share.


  • jgnat

    I'm glad it was generally a positive experience. At least they did not run you off!

  • NanaR


    I'm glad you had a good experience!!

    I have a number of good friends who attend a Disciples of Christ - First Christian Church. The Church broadcasts its services. I used to watch them on television occasionally, even before I "left" the Witnesses. I was impressed by their reverent solemnity.

    Yes, there is a world of difference between a true worship service and a meeting at the KH. Many Christians would not recognize what the JWs do as worship at all -- but merely instruction.



  • HappyDad

    Glad you liked it Jeff.

    This is why I go to church on a regular basis.


  • anewme

    The gal I live with is taking her first interested look into Christianity at 53 years of age.
    Her husband of 25 years just dumped her and now she has this new guy in her life who says the Catholic Church is important to him. So today is her first time in a Catholic Church. She has been asking me what she should expect etc as I was a former Catholic myself.

    I thought it was very odd I would be placed in the position of trusted spiritual advisor after spending (wasting) 35 years of my precious life as a Jehovahs Witness.

    I thought of her background (atheism) and took a long breath before answering her many questions.

    I told her that the Catholic Church was invented by Constantine The Great as a brilliant idea to unite the Roman Empire and stop the religious fighting and murdering that was going on. The Catholic Church means Universal Church which gathers religious beliefs from many religions to satisfy everyone's needs, but sticks to certain Christian basics.

    I was not condemning of her interest in the church. I actually said that The Church may very well be a stepping stone for her to achieve a new sense of spirituality in her life. Churches are excellent for that I said. However, I do believe that God intended for each man and woman to worship from their hearts (like the first man was intended to do) and not rely on go-betweens or mediators to convey messages back and forth between God and man. But I added that churches also provide a space for like minded people to gather and assist one another in this life and that is good too. Together they can bring Gods love and mercy to the needy and poor. The Churches are the caretakers of the Sacred Scriptures which give us insight into the mind of God and of Holy men and women who have lived before.

    So she is probably sitting in a pew as we speak. I hope she enjoys the experience and is touched by the heads bent in worship all around her. I know being in a church and seeing the reverence all around does that to me. I believe in reverence, and respect for God and our neighbors and for the earth and life.
    Church reminds us to be respectful of these things. That it is right and ethical to show concern for the welfare of others.

    Good religion which produces good respectful people has an honored place on the earth.

    Im surprised to find myself saying that really.


  • mouthy

    Just thought I would share.


    Oh Jeff that really pleased me. I bet the LORD was happy you sat at HIS table..


  • mouthy


  • Sunspot

    Funny...I was thinking of my sweet friend Grace (Mouthy) when I decided to reply to this thread!

    She was right next to me when I received Communion for the first time since I had been trapped in the WTS. We were at the Witnesses Now For Jesus convention in PA last October. It was a deeply moving experience for me. Every time I think about taking Communion, I will always warmly remember where I was and who I was sitting with.

    Jeff, I am glad that you and Wifey were comfortable with this-----it does mean SO MUCH and the import of this has been SO messed up by the men of the Watchtower, hasn't it?



  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Hi Jeff, I went to church today too and took communion . I have done it a few times now and I fell really good about it . I had to do a cleaning job this morning , and I didn't know if I would be able to make the 10:30 service . I hurried and went ahead even though I was going to be late . Funny thing is I really look forward to their services . I never was this excited to go to the KH and would have never gone in late . It really does feel like worship and praise at church .Something sadly the witnesses know nothing of ....they really are missing out . I can't get my husband to try it with me ....yet . I tell him how amazed I am at how different it really is as opposed to what we were taught Christendom was like . My friend that attends there asked if I felt the holy spirit pulling for me to attend this morning because she keeps praying for the spirit to help me attend more. I don't know ,but I'm open minded .

  • mouthy

    ...I was thinking of my sweet friend Grace (Mouthy)

    Annie ! I am so happy to be in that memory.I remember it also.But another GRACE was there also. HIS GRACE which we both sat with" THANK YOU LORD JESUS for finding Annie , Jeff ,troubled mind, & me!!!! & any others on here that came out of darkness into the light .And for all those that hasnt experienced that light yet. Give them your presence ,the love ,& your guidence in what ever they do...Amen"

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