I am going to vehemently disagree with whoever it was that said the Dominican Republic is just like Haiti, too.
I have a fun story about an experience there:
My ex-husband and I went to the Dom. Rep. with another couple and stayed in Punta Cana at one of the many resorts there. I was a Witless at the time, and wanted to visit the "Friends" and so had arranged to go into the nearest city--Higuey--where there were missionaries and a Kingdom Hall. I was to go out in field service with them.
I enquired about getting into town and the cab fare was absolutely outrageous! I was going alone, because nobody else on the trip was a JW. I asked if there was another way for me to get to Higuey and was told that I could get a bus just outside the entrance to the resort. Early the next morning, I walked to the bus stop and immediately became a curiosity. Whatever was this rich gringa doing at the bus stop?!!! It got worse.
I boarded the bus, which was already quite crowded and found a seat almost at the rear of the bus. At the next stop, a very pregnant woman got on. There was room next to me, but she would not sit there. I was experiencing discrimination! I was the only white person on the bus. The pregnant woman preferred to stand, rather than sit next to me! A gentlemen got up and offered her his seat, but he, too, would not sit beside me. He stood up, holding on to one of those strappy handles, instead.
It took about 1/2 hour to get to Higuey and I got to see the tropical countryside, brightly painted homes, and food stands with ropes of sausages hanging out to dry, alongside the road. We entered Higuey and I mostly remember lots of white, Spanish-style buildings. The missionaries had told me where to get off the bus and how to get to the Kingdom Hall from there. I walked to the Hall and...
... nobody was there! They had ALL left without me. Not very nice, I thought. I was crushed. I hung around for about 1/2 hour hoping they'd gone witnessing close by and somebody would swing back by the Hall, but no. In the meantime, I HADN"T been so prudent as to have asked the missionaries where I'd pick up the RETURN bus to the resort. What to do?
I meandered back to the street where the bus had deposited me, saw a few other buses come and go, but really had NO idea what bus to take, and I didn't want to go yet farther afield. I do NOT speak Spanish. At the time, I spoke only English, French, and Mallorcan (a Spanish dialect).
There was a little juice stand across the way, so I went inside, ordered a drink, and asked how I would get a bus back to Punta Cana -- all with expressive pantomine and my poor Spanish. The owner understood what I was getting at, even though she raised her eyebrows. She asked me if I had any money. I said yes. I can't remember how much money she had me take out, but she made it very clear to me that ALL I was going to give the young man she had just haled for me was that particular amount. That he was being handsomely paid with that amount.
And then I hopped onto the back of his moto, and was driving to the Central Bus Station, where I could buy my ticket for a bus back to the resort gate. :)
Yes, the Dominicans are very poor -- there were young kids at the bus station peddling oranges -- but how very kind and helpful they were to silly lost me!
To top my day off, on the return bus ride, someone DID dare to sit next to me. He was young, neatly dressed, and struck up a conversation with me in English. He carried a Bible.
Who was he?
A Mormon missionary!!!! LOL
Well, at least I got to see more of the island than the resort.
I'd go back. It was lovely! Many Canadians vacation there, in fact, our flight left from Toronto. You can make arrangements to swim with dolphins. The climate varies, as our shuttle bus driver joked, between hot and HELL. Go in winter, not summer. Enjoy the delicious food, but DO NOT drink the water, and peel your fruit, because it likely was washed in the perhaps not so pure tap water. Remember to use bottled water even for rinsing your mouth after brushing your teeth.
Buen viaje!