Did this line of thought ever cross your mind?

by Awakened07 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigdreaux

    i also had a problem, when they say that if jehovah hadn't held off armageddon, we wouldn't be here. this was always stupid for me. what about the poor schmucks after us? why are we better than them. it's like they think it's a game and if you put your disc on the wrong plinko hole, you die. god, i used to love plinko. lol

  • Awakened07
    i also had a problem, when they say that if jehovah hadn't held off armageddon, we wouldn't be here. this was always stupid for me. what about the poor schmucks after us?

    Yes! Thanks for bringing that up. I also thought about that. They would say that in the end, just before Armageddon, everyone who could have been found would have been found, and no more would be able to be converted, so Jehovah could then start Armageddon. Well - there were several people in biblical times who grew up among 'heathens', and still became 'men of God'. Is it completely impossible that that may happen again? In my opinion, there would always be new potential witnesses as long as people give birth. That's how I thought when I still believed in this but had started to question things (and, to make it clear yet again; I don't believe it anymore).

  • steve2
    (and, to make it clear yet again; I don't believe it anymore).

    Good point. I did note your disclaimer in your original post - but I was less sure whether the line of thinking you expressed still bothered you or whether you were now "over" it. I appreciate your clarification.

    Yes, indeed, the twisted logic of Bible fundamentalists is alarming and it's not limited to the witnesses. A former colleague of mine who fellowshipped at an Assembly of God church lost her pre-school son in an accident. She was 'comforted' by others in that religion telling her that the Lord probably looked into her child's future, saw him sinning and destined for hell, so took him back home before he had a chance to engage in serious sin. She swallowed this comforting drivel hook, line and sinker. Talk about sick in the extreme!

  • RollerDave

    The twistedness of it all simply boggles the mind!

    I knew a guy who was so mad at another JW he wanted to kill him, but didn't because he didn't want to give him a 'free pass!"

    I especially loved:

    "if i turn you away then i die at armageddon, right?" they answer yes, "but if you never called and I never knew your beliefs, i could get a chance maybe?" they answer yes "so basically, by calling on me you are effectively killing me?"

    OMG! If I wasn't already marked as a do-not-call I would use that.

    Maybe I can find an occasion if I try.


  • freeme
    Yes! Thanks for bringing that up. I also thought about that. They would say that in the end, just before Armageddon, everyone who could have been found would have been found, and no more would be able to be converted, so Jehovah could then start Armageddon. Well - there were several people in biblical times who grew up among 'heathens', and still became 'men of God'. Is it completely impossible that that may happen again? In my opinion, there would always be new potential witnesses as long as people give birth. That's how I thought when I still believed in this but had started to question things (and, to make it clear yet again; I don't believe it anymore).

    yep! when i thought about similar things i came to the following conclusion: the more gods waits the more ppl will be killed. why? because the worldwide population growth is MUCH bigger than jw's growth. There are currently 6.5 million JWs worldwide. The increase rate is <2%. Thats max. 130,000 more JWs per year. According to wikipedia the world population increases by 203,800 PER DAY!

    Thats 130,000 / 365 = 356 JWs per day... 203,800 - 356 = 203,444 more cadavers PER DAY

    Wonderful isnt it?


  • BFD

    This thread reminded me of a good one started by open mind a while back. Here it is again...




  • Stealth453

    Good point.

  • JWdaughter

    It had, and I am going to find a way to bring it up the next time my mom tries to tentatively witness to me. OR my kids.

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    I think the hypo story isn't about considering taking innocent lives, but the absurdity of JW beliefs. That could be their next retarded teaching.

    There have been really religious nut cases who have killed their children to send them off to the next life.

  • eclipse

    I love how they teach that a ''good'' non-JW person who dies of natural causes will get ressurected, but that same ''good'' person would be killed at armegeddon just because they turned away JW's at the door - sounds like a fair and loving arrangement to me.

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