LIghter subject: Seen any good movies lately? My recommendations.

by Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • looking_glass

    Hairspray. Surprisingly enough, I did like it. I saw the one w/ Rickie Lake and also saw in on the stage as well. But I was afraid that I would be preoccupied by John Travolta. Nope. He did a great job.

    As for rentals. I just saw the Queen. Ho, hum. Did not make me like her. I don't feel sorry for a woman who worries and cries over a buck but not over a human.

    Black Dahlia (sp?) - way too many other stories going on w/i the story. Not a real winner IMHO.

    Stranger Than Fiction (though I saw this on the screen and have rented it b/4). I love this story. It is odd but interesting.

    [edited because I cannot figure out the difference between "say" and "saw". Go figure!]

  • bigdreaux

    yeah, i watched black dahlia, and was very disappointed. it was just a train wreck at the end. totally sucked.

    there is an older indie flick called the last supper. cameron diaz is in it before she got big. it's an interesting little movie. i recommend it.

  • jaguarbass

    I rented the original of "Mice and Men" with Lon chaney. It was good. Almost word for word from the book.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    We just rented 'Number23" with Jim Carey ......reallly good !!!! Psycho thriller that keeps you guessing !!!!

  • poppers


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    there is an older indie flick called the last supper

    Finally, somebody else who has seen that movie. I thought it was a great film. I strongly recommend it too, especially if you're into dark comedy like I am.

  • Spectre

    I saw Stardust last week at the San Diego Comic-Con. Great movie. Instant classic. I just saw 300 last night. Another great Frank Miller movie, though I liked Sin City better.

  • LoverOfTruth

    I dragged my hubby off to see Hairspray. He Loved it. ~ We also saw the movie, Rescue Dawn. We both think Christian Bale is one of the best actors today. He's incredible!

  • loosie

    Phenomenon With Sandra Bullock was really good, I give it two thumbs up.

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