Great Balls of Fire.....

by AK - Jeff 14 Replies latest social current

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    It is hot here!

    Somewhere over 90 degrees F. Humidy must be 80%. I have yard work to do but cant stay outside more than a few minutes at a time.

    How is it there?


  • R.F.

    I believe it's around 95ish here today. As soon as 11am hits it gets very hot it seems.

  • purplesofa

    I thought I would die on Sat, I think we got to 97. I could hardly keep the house cooled down.

    Have not been outside today!

    This is the first summer in ages I have worked inside,

    makes going in the heat all the more difficult.

    How in the world did people live without AC?


  • lawrence

    96 degrees, heat index 102, and cooking! It will be hotter in a few days. Great weather for a vested wool suit, tie, and a pair of cordovan wingtips carrying books, magazines, and study materials door to door? Why give the pioneer a ride? He loves the heat!

  • bluebell

    Maybe got somewhere in the 70's at the weekend in the UK. Started raining again today. sigh. But at least we live a good way from the river that runs through the city where we live and haven't been flooded.

  • ninja

    the rains warmer here....must be summer

  • ninja

    chocolate rain!!!!...woo hoo

  • ex-nj-jw

    Hot, hot, hot and then add humid The heat index for my area today was 107 and tomorrow will be 110, although I'm sure some of JWD'rs have it worse...can we get a break? Geeze!


  • MeneMene

    The monsoon rains have finally cooled the desert down. It's been less than 100 the last couple days. I have actually been able to sit on the patio the last couple mornings and late evenings.

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