For those who are interested, saturday I broke my free-diving record, 80 feet!!! it was intense.
by Anti-Christ 10 Replies latest social physical
congrats? i guess. it is awesome you did it doing something you love, instead of hurting it at home getting a beer. lol
i guess. it is awesome you did it doing something you love, instead of hurting it at home getting a beer. lol
sorry dude, i had a few beers in me when i originally read this. i thought you were saying you broke something, like a bone. my bad.
sorry dude, i had a few beers in me when i originally read this. i thought you were saying you broke something, like a bone. my bad.
no problem mon ami I can understand that.
For those who are interested, saturday I broke my free-diving record, 80 feet!!! it was intense. Anti-Christ
Have you confessed this sin of putting your life in jeopardy to the elders yet? CONGRATULATIONS DUDE YOU ROCK!!!
Good for you!
In June I doubled my personal best in cycling distance. 50 MILES!!!!!
Nathan Natas
That's damned impressive! I've done scuba down to 30 feet in Bermuda as a tourista. I can't imagine being 80 feet down with just my lungs and willpower. It starts to get pretty dark at 80 feet doesn't it?
Can you tell us where? Did you wear a wetsuit or go "commando"? Saltwater? Fresh? Lake? River? Was there something ot see, or was this just for the personal challenge? Did you have a friend for backup just in case?
Well first thank you, and second to answer Nathan, yes it gets pretty dark at 80 feet, especially in a fresh water lake. I was with two bodies, one who stayed at the surface and one who was able to go that deep. First I went and then my friend followed after we switched. Its good to have somebody following you. I was wearing a 3mm full wet suit with hood and gloves. Not much to see just for the challenge. I'm also a dive master.
Nathan Natas
Do you drop a line and use it to guide you down, or just tuck and point your nose at the bottom? How cold was the water? How much weight did you have to wear to compensate for boyancy?
I was just reading about the US Coast Guard's Arctic diving accident of a few months ago. I never thought that because the water is squeezing your lungs down, you actually loose boyancy as you go deeper, and past 100 feet or thereabouts, you have NO boyancy - you won't come up unless you make the effort to rise - in fact, if you make no effort, you sink, further and further.
Eighty feet down is alost 3 atmosphere's pressure, right? How'd your ears and sinuses like it?