I was loaned this video from another poster on this board-Gayle, The only thing she asks is that you pass this on to someone else on the board, everybody can just keep forwarding this video so others can have the opportunity to see it.
Ok, I dont think this DVD is compatible with DVD players in Europe, as there is some kind of difference.
Any USA posters who would like to see it?
The first person who responds to this post and requests it I will mail it to them, free of charge, just promise to pass it on to someone else when you are through with it
Does anyone want the "Knocking" DVD ???
by Junction-Guy 20 Replies latest jw friends
sorry dude, when i watched it, i wanted to dig my brain out with a dull instrument.
John Doe
Yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing it. I'll pm you my address.
Alright, I will be sending this to John Doe.
John Doe
Thanks a bunch junction guy. I'll pass it on when I'm through.
It's like like that movie "Pay it forward" except instead of good deeds, it's apologist religious propaganda!
Yes it is very favorable to the JW's- so be forewarned. Make sure you watch all the extras in addition to the 1 hour part. The extras were really interesting.
About 20 years a videotape of a Minneapolis "apostate" appearing on TV was being passed around among some JW's in the circuit.
Now there is a DVD of faifhful JW's being passed around some "apostates" in our circle.
JW's and ex-JW's sometimes fascinate each other.
I'll be more than happy to copy it and send 5 DVDs to others.
I'm technologically challenged but this I've figured out how to do.
Sounds good, can this be legally done? Any copyright violations?