Let's be honest here, shall we?
When a person who was once religious smacks into the brick wall of reality about the empty nonsense of ritual they are left with a very harrowing set of choices.
1.Give up a world view which is comforting, familiar and descriptive of everything
2.Cling to the emotional aspects of what was nourishing about "God thoughts" whilst abandoning the rituals.
3.Leap out of the frying pan of religious affiliation and into the fire of irrational thinking by detaching a Concept from its Defining aspects. (i.e. substituting a meaningless word :Spirituality)
Our mind operates conceptually.
If we substitute the waxed fruit of nonsense words with fuzzy edges of emotional content for genuine terms clearly defined we become idiotic in the process.
If you don't know what you think (can't define your concepts clearly) then you can't think at all!
Spirituality is a concept which lays cuckoo's eggs in your consciousness by substituting a meaningless word for actual words with actual definitions. When the egg hatches, you are a blubbering, incoherent boob with drool running down your cheek!
We all get to have our own opinions. We don't get make up our own facts.
Words are vital to clear thinking.
If you have a word that means different things to different people--HOW DO THEY COMMUNICATE with each other meaningfully?
Answer: THEY DON'T and they CANNOT.
A word that can mean anything actually means nothing.
Think about it.