Finally_Free, are you as onery as you sound?
What's Your BEST Asset & Worst Quality?
by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends
I tend to take people as i find them, which very often is to my detriment.
My good perception abilities can tend to make me a bit judgmental, so I try to guard against that.
Finally_Free, are you as onery as you sound?
Of course I'll say no, but people who know me personally would probably call me a grouchy bastard. W
You seem like a "grouchy bastard". But a funny "grouchy bastard".
I try to look for the best and bring out the best in everyone even if it seems to be a lost cause to everyone else.
Sieze the day, encouraging cheerleader, team player type.
That can also be very annoying if it's too over the top.
My incisiveness and honesty are some of my best qualities, depending on your perspective. Some of my worst: lack of patience and a tendency to be spiteful or vengeful. I curb this but it is there. It is a good thing I have no magical powers or I would definitely pay people back.
Guess who would be first on my list.
I'm very good at imitations. I can easily imitate a person's voice, mannerisms and approach. People will die laughing by how I can be a caricature of someone by looking at their idiosincracies and oddities....This tells me that I'm a critical person by nature, but a funny bastard, nonetheless.
My best assets are that I am "honest" "caring" "gentle" "perceptive" "strong" "openminded"
My worst attributes are that I am "stubborn", a "procrastinator" "caring", and "moody"
lies all lies
My best quality is I am extremely forgiving---Worst quality is that while I forgive, I never forget