My Theory

by Princess Daisy Boo 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I might get burned by saying this, but I think the deeply religious are deeply dependent and need to be told what to do. You know, have others plan their present lives and future lives for them instead of having the intestinal fortitude to plan things themselves and take responsibility for their lives themselves. They need a scape goat for when something bad happens, the devil. They need someone else to pull them out of their messes, God and church elders. Paganism means 100% responsibility and independence and that may be why it is feared by all. Those in power have no power over most pagans. There is no devil. There is no vengeful, caring, terrorist, loving god to appease. There is just you who are responsible for you, yourself and you. I tried Christianity and can't stomach it any more. Can't bring myself to believe in or follow any of it.


  • Anti-Christ

    Btw, welcome to the board!

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Learning to fly,

    I agree with you totally!

  • OnTheWayOut

    Oh, yeah

    Welcome to the JWD, Learning To Fly and Princess Daisy Boo.

  • changeling


    I tend to agree with you. I've said on this board before that I was only a JW by accident of birth. Left to my own devices I don't think I would have gravitated to any religion at all.

    changeling (currently agnostic)

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    If they are inherantly religious, then the WTBTS will naturally apeal to them,

    I actually disagree with this. I would change it to:

    "If they are not inherantly religious, then the WTBTS will naturally apeal to them"

    Not that this is a general rule but I have seen many that have entered the Watchtower are people who really arn't that interested in 'religion' per say, they just simply enjoy thinking that they have found all the answers to life. It's an ego booster for many.

  • RAF

    Your theory makes sense anyway

  • mentalclearness

    welcome to the board!!! very interesting subject..I've thought this too..but I was also thinking about what white dove said...I've known many people who seem to want to know the answers to deeper questions and go on to study philosophy, not necessarily anything religious...and they are definitely not the type of people that want a scapegoat or want to be told what to do...i think there are people who are curious naturally and want to know more and there are others who don't....neither one is better than the other mind you...

  • Shawn10538

    I WAS very religious from the time I was small, but now I'm an athiest with nothing but disdain for any and all religions. So, am I inherently religious or not? I think religiousness is more a matter of nurture rather than nature.

  • greendawn

    Not all religious people find the JWs appealing most people can see them for what they that is a weird minded cult, there are instead the mainstream religions that they often join. The JW concept of God is completely messed up and terribly toxic for those embracing it.

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