Anyone on the board from Sydney, Australia? I am looking into maybe relocating there from the US. I am an accountant and that is one profession that has a shortage over there. I am looking for some information: cost of living, etc. to help me make my decision. Freegirl
by FreeGirl2006 22 Replies latest jw friends
HI freegirl,
There are few from sydney that post on here.
I was from 2 hours north from there.
It is a great place to live sydney. It is a bit expensive to live their especially rent and to by a house buut then it will depend on which part you wanted to live. Most i think live on the outskirts and commute to the city.
It would depend if you were wanting to start your own practice or join another firm.
But will have to get in put from other who do live there.
I hope this helps a little.
Thanks Helen! The more information the better! I appreciate any and all information. Freegirl
G'day freegirl,
First of all, I think this must be confirmed before you start your plans:
I am an accountant and that is one profession that has a shortage over there
Do you have an Australian accounting qualification? From what i understand, to be recognised and to practice as an accountant you need to be qualified in Australia.
Cheers, Ozzie
Hi Freegirl,
On what Ozziepost said, have a look at the information from the professional accountancy bodies - icaa and nia are some places to start as you will NOT get a well paying job without the right professional recognition.
Sydney is a great place, but can be very expensive, especially in the more "desirable" areas but I suppose that this is a matter of your own perspective. Personally, I live 100km west (well out of the city) and travel in by car daily.
Ever though of coming for a holiday to see what it's like? It's a long way to move if not to your liking!
icaa and nia are some places to start
also cpa
perhaps even Melbourne would be a goer, a little cheaper to live than Sydney...just a thought
My husband and I a year back were planning on moving to Melbourne area for a couple years. He is a contractor and they where needed over there. I don't know if its the same with accountants but in order for us to be able to move there and live and work we had to have a work sponsor. This isn't very easy. Lets just say I filled out tons of paperwork and added up the cost of moving our family and when we were still set on moving I found out that i have to get full custody of my oldest or get permission from my ex to be able to move... So unfortunatlly our move was put on hold But the cost of the work visa and the visa just to stay there plus getting my passport which I didn't have at the time.. it got expensive... But I say go for it if you can make it work.... I still look forward to being able to live there someday.
P.S. the reason we even thought of moving to Australia was because my husband was almost born there. His parents were teachers and moved out there for a few years until she got pregnant and it came time for her to give birth then she flew back to the states had him then took him back with her later where he lived till he was five. Then they moved back to the states. I wish he had been born there he would have duel citizenship
Ooh! I wanna move there too!
I wanted to get into a tech field...but all of the required jobs (did a heapa reasearch :P ) are things I don't think I'd like doing. Programming and whatnot.
If I had enough money, I'd school there, then just stay. But mom sucked my inheritence dry. Thanks mom! Luv ya :P . -
If anyone is moving to Australia in the near future, please bring some RAIN!!!!!