Comments You Will not Hear will be taking a brief hiatus for the next 2 wks

by blondie 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    or so due to health, availability of articles, and personal priorities. After that, the format will be briefer consisting mostly of the article with fewer comments by me allowing more comments by readers/posters.

    Love, Blondie

  • ozziepost

    It's been a big task over these years. Thx for your efforts.

    We'll be looking forward to their return.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Gregor

    Your efforts have been very much appreciated. I'm sure none of us truly understand how much effort and insight it takes to de-construct the WTBS study every week. Get some rest, smell the flowers.

    Thank you


  • OnTheWayOut

    While I have appreciated your efforts, I always thought it was too much of a task
    and perhaps just hosting a discussion of the material was enough.

    I will miss your details and great comments on this. I am sure that any really
    great comments you would have made, you will still make, so I suppose I won't
    miss anything.

    Thanks for the efforts. Take a break, it does wonders.

  • BFD

    Thank you so much blondie. I read your comments every week but I rarely post on the thread. I hope you are well and enjoy your hiatus. I look forward to the condensed version upon your return.

    Thanks, again!


  • jgnat

    I hope you have a wonderful time away. I predict the board will pick up where you left off and put their critical thinking skills to the test.

  • Gopher


    I can't say how much this series has meant over the years. You have shown us the between-the-lines scheming that goes on in the Watchtower's writing department.

    Now there's enough folks on the board who have become Watchtower-lesson-savvy, and we'll try to help fill in some of the blanks between the lines.

    As always, best wishes and thoughts to you and the Irreverent one.

  • LearningToFly

    Hope all is well with you, I have enjoyed reading your postings and will look forward to doing so upon your return.

    Wishing you a restful break


  • nvrgnbk

    You helped get me out.

    I'll get flamed for being melodramatic...but that's as good as saving my life.

    Even with all you've been through, you've found the strength to give so much to others.

    Thank you.

    You're a very special person.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Enjoy and benefit from your break. Return when you are up to it. Good teachers teach their students how to think for themselves and to carry on in their absence.

    We look forward to your return,


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